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Alliances and Wars


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For those of us who are not at war with anybody, I have a request.

Could you guys post what empires are at war with whom, and who is allies with who against whom?

That way, when I run into another empire, I can make an informed choice on who to join or who to avoid.

thanks in advance.



Sabeli Ecok


Yes, and I know some of you won't respond to this thread and that's fine, but it will also help me keep track of all the bashing going on. You know, more enjoyable when I understand the players involved.


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I'm at peace with everyone but the Pheonix Arisen alliance which includes MMB as a member.


I have a pretty good idea of the precise PA Empires that are in my neighborhood and could recognize the rest. I'll leave it up for them to post their Empire IDs :cheers: Mine is at the bottom of my sig. :thumbsup:


Note - I don't expect the Everlasting Spawn to engage in the war anytime soon at all....my declarations of war involve the Beulah Trading Company neighborhood and I don't expect there are any PA members near the Core except for MMB whom I haven't spotted yet.

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Thanks guys, that helps.


As to the Bovine Hegemony, I guess some may call it a 'war', but it is really more of a collection of supplies for the StarBars. :thumbsup: After all, the Bovines aren't truly a sentient race. :cheers:

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The Concordium (3833) is fighting the NSI (Naptaha Solar Imperium, 3535). The Concordium is in contact with four other races, peacefully.


Also, on the same turn as the big battle with the NSI, several actions after the Vindicator was left standing alone in Diocles space, the Battleship had this encounter:


The Orion Federation # 1179 [3 Brilliant White Starbursts On Midnight Blue Oval]

FS Trailblazer II (Fleet Scout - 10,000 tons)

Ranger Martin Valterra


A Concordium Battleship incinerates an Orion Federation Fleet Scout detected moving into the debris field at Diocles warp point 59201


JUSTINIAN -- since you are using the same avatar as TOF did in it's one post ... I'm wondering if you may be the TOF?

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Razor cleans her razor sharp claws looking over her armies.


I declare war on the


Pheonix Arisen Alliance :cheers:

Onarri Hegemony #2417 :thumbsup:

Crushbone Clan #4338 :taz:


Her eyes glowed with anger at the attack in her space. The Venzuela system is mine. Vampires are very territorial. I will drain the life of every inhabitant of their homeworlds. She shifted into another form and hunted another beast for dinner. Soon someone would have to be made an example of. :lol:




Richard Johns

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Sadly, Kurassier continues to visit our HW with his supposed "beer" trucks. The net result is more Hegemony citizens that disappear or are horribly mutilated. Bah! See for yourselves,




He is far down the cattle prod tech tree.


I think Kurrasier is planning on supplying hamburger to the Star Bars due to those "accidents" involving Bovines and meat grinders. :cheers: I hear that BBQ sauce will also be available. :thumbsup:

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For those of us who are not at war with anybody, I have a request.

Could you guys post what empires are at war with whom, and who is allies with who against whom?

  That way, when I run into another empire, I can make an informed choice on who to join or who to avoid.

      thanks in advance.



            Sabeli Ecok


Yes, and I know some of you won't respond to this thread and that's fine, but it will also help me keep track of all the bashing going on.  You know, more enjoyable when I understand the players involved.

:cheers:  :taz:


I am not curentaly at war with anyone (unless yu count a dropped postion that I have reciently Discovered). However I was once a member of the now defunce GSL and have given my word to support various ex-members of that one-time alliance ince I come into contact with them

Further I have heard rumors that Information about my Empire that I had given in confidence to anther one time member of that alliace has been give to an alliance I am not affilaited with :cheers: .... Oh hell, enough of this being subtle crap.. :cheers: I have heard that Martin has given all the Empire Info that he picked up as a member of the GSL to the P.A. I would consider this a betrayalof the highest order and , once I confim this, I will declare war on the Colony (as the ex-GSL member) and the Erye (Just because). Also If I discover rthat the PA uses this info against any one-time member of the GSL. :cheers: I will do whatever I can to turn them into so much hamburger (No this is not a declaration against the Bovine Empire :lol: ) As i would consider this action to be slimy in the extreme, and i do not like slime :thumbsup: .

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