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How old are you?  

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If I am recalling correctly there was a similar poll at one time, and most of the players were in the 30 - 40 age bracket. But that was some time ago and we do have a lot of new faces on the board.

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My older brother, Don Lund, is exactly the same as age as many of you (40) and he was the one who introduced me to Rolling Thunder Games. I was probably 13 or maybe 14 when I saw SN II stuff? 17-18 when I first tried at Victory? A little earlier for the Schubel & Sons game, Starmaster.


I was too young to afford turns back then :lol: Luckily I had a nice enough older brother to share the game with me.


I think its pretty amazing how many people that were playing with RTG back then are still playing with RTG now....and how close in age most of us are.


I hope that younger generations continue the tradition. Who knows what the SNROTE galaxy will look like then? :cheers:

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I am surprised that the average age is as high as it is. I would have thought the vast majority of players would be 20-30 since they are the people raised with computers. I just about manage to turn mine on in the morning and I am in awe of people like Ed Mooney.

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I am surprised that the average age is as high as it is. I would have thought the vast majority of players would be 20-30 since they are the people raised with computers. I just about manage to turn mine on in the morning and I am in awe of people like Ed Mooney.



Nope, it's not that.....


It's just that all the younger generation have their own discussion forums and just giggle at our silly wafflings......


Or -


It could be that there are less than 50 players all running multiple empires and they have to be old and crusty to be able to afford that - along with having no social lives..... :ph34r:


Chief Existentialist to Ur-Lord Tedric

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I am surprised that the average age is as high as it is. I would have thought the vast majority of players would be 20-30 since they are the people raised with computers. I just about manage to turn mine on in the morning and I am in awe of people like Ed Mooney.



Actually, I think the fact the younger set was raised on computers would count against them playing PB(e)M games. If SN:ROTE were a computer game then many of us would be busy playing our tenth (100th? :ph34r: ) full game.


The patience required (is it Friday yet?) and the $$$ (I could easily buy one or two new PS2 games for what I spend on SN each month) really favors a different type of gamer.


Being a spreadsheet geek certainly helps too. :thumbsup:




Lord Xaar

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Just looking at the scifi interest of some of the gamers, and their general technical knowledge, I never once thought that there was a youg'un amongst us. Additionally, this game is more for the person who doesn't absolutely need a PS2 or a visual to entertain. I imagine that most of us could be described as daydreamers and deep thinkers on one level or another.

That being said I have introduced the game to some of the younger co-workers I have. Most are more interested in Victory, but Althonian did join snova, even though another coworker has harassed both of us endlessly because up until recently I hadn't met anyone in the game.\


Lord Uriel

He who must be obeyed.

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But thanks for the 46+ catagory.


You're welcome. That was on purpose as the polling allows up to 10 answers.... :ph34r:

I would have been surprised if the majority was under 30. Especially with the 'satisfy me now not later' attitude of the under 30 crowd. (I was one of them once!) and I know they aren't all like that.

I started PBM (before there was PBeM!!!, oh the horror!!)( I guess that is kind of like 8 tracks to CD's...., anyway, started PBM because of the lack of gamers in my area to play in person. Started war gaming when I was 17, ackk!, 23 years ago!, did the miniatures (napoleonic, american civil war and WWII), board games, role playing (back when D&D just had a players manual and a DM guide), used to go to all the local conventions, etc.

Of course now, married, 2 boys (my life) 26 and 11 months!!! less time for all this, but manage to squeeze it in now and then. of course I NEVER find time to post on the forum..... :thumbsup::cheers: , guess I'm just rambling again, happens as we get older, but my whole point was that the time, cost and nature of the game tends to lend to an older generation. BUt I hope to pass this on to my boys as they get older. Through PBeM and RTG, I have 'met' a lot of people across this globe whom I've never met, but I consider friends.

So here's to all of you, regardless of your in game or out of game alliances, :ph34r: May you find peace, joy and freedom in all that you do. :cheers: And if any of you are ever in Houston, feel free to look me up.


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I have pretty much gone the same route and I am still involved in miniatures. Anyone ever hear of Warhammer 40k? Of course, gamers have less time for hobbies as other responsibilities mount up.

What I like about this game is that it has the possibility of being something that I could still be playing ten years from now with my first empire. Unless the PA have won by then. :ph34r:

Now if I could just remember to not think about ship design when I'm in a staff meeting.



Lord Uriel

He who must be obeyed.

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