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Game 75


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Are you sure that Denmark was the one to BPA?






I gave my explanations to the old German and Denmark players and they accepted my reasons.  If they had not, I would have dropped the position and let them find a replacement for me. 


As for not reaching out to the new players, I think you are being forgetful (deceptive?) on that account.  The Confederacy wanted me to be surprised that the players had been replaced, and I was.  You alluded to this in one of your first messages for 75.  I do not fault you for good strategy.  I would ask you not to mislead our readers into thinking I was somehow remiss in not reaching out to my new TAs, however.  The TAs were both broken (ironically by Germany and Denmark even though I was trying too) before I knew there were new TAs.  Why did you not reach out to me?  A rhetorical question only.  My course was set, you wanted surprise, and the outcome would not have been altered anyway.

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Are you sure that Denmark was the one to BPA? 






I gave my explanations to the old German and Denmark players and they accepted my reasons.  If they had not, I would have dropped the position and let them find a replacement for me. 


As for not reaching out to the new players, I think you are being forgetful (deceptive?) on that account.  The Confederacy wanted me to be surprised that the players had been replaced, and I was.  You alluded to this in one of your first messages for 75.  I do not fault you for good strategy.  I would ask you not to mislead our readers into thinking I was somehow remiss in not reaching out to my new TAs, however.  The TAs were both broken (ironically by Germany and Denmark even though I was trying too) before I knew there were new TAs.  Why did you not reach out to me?  A rhetorical question only.  My course was set, you wanted surprise, and the outcome would not have been altered anyway.


Yes. Although we were all trying to break the TAs, my diplomats were terribly inefficient. Libya, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland all broke with me before I could break with them.

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It is too bad that so many Lowlands and Swiss resources have been spent in Southern France. I find it hard to believe they will be much of a challenge to the eastern powers. There losses in the west are serious, and mounting. Two front wars abound in this game.


The interesting thing about the war in Europe, I am actually aiding Central Russia by drawing off lots of planes and tanks to France, which allows him to send more planes and tanks to fight my total allies in the middle east.

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The interesting thing about the war in Europe, I am actually aiding Central Russia by drawing off lots of planes and tanks to France, which allows him to send more planes and tanks to fight my total allies in the middle east.


I would like to thank you for that..... :jawdrop:


Here's to two front wars..... :(:ranting::(


DezertCamel :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
The interesting thing about the war in Europe, I am actually aiding Central Russia by drawing off lots of planes and tanks to France, which allows him to send more planes and tanks to fight my total allies in the middle east.


I would like to thank you for that..... :pirate2:


Here's to two front wars..... :nuke::D:cheers:


DezertCamel :rolleyes:

You are not welcome. It amazes me that more that 50 Swiss and Lowlands mech/armor divisions are still committed to the western front, with you knocking on the door of their frontier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like a security guard at the local mall.


Would the parents of some lost Russian sailors please come to the Western Med to collect them. Please come to the service desk located near Gibralter.


And as always..thanks for visiting Morocco!



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I feel like a security guard at the local mall.


Would the parents of some lost Russian sailors please come to the Western Med to collect them. Please come to the service desk located near Gibralter.


And as always..thanks for visiting Morocco!




Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them ( :jawdrop: ) so we can direct them in in the proper direction. :D

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So the Middle East has become quite a popular place.

Not that much more than, western Europe, Scandanavia, and the Mediterranean.



We Arabs must be doing a pretty good job down here.

Non. Pas plus que ca.

But if we not slow you some down now, It be harder in futur. We'd have to commits more than what is needed now.



Everyone seems to be coming to the rescue of Southern Russia. Let's see, there is Southern Russia, Rumania, Turkey, Central Russia... and now Northern Russia has joined the hoard from the north.

For me; I haves many escadrilles of the bombers, that needed something to do. I was told that les Arabs offer many targets in the deserts.



And it not to worry for you, mon ami. I'm tell my allies, that you my friend, and I not wanting to bomb you.




Would anybody else like to send some bombers our way? There are now 5 enemies against the three of us. I still don't think the northern hoard has enough fire power to beat us.

Oh, oh, oh. You doing the over-reacting.

We not sending more force than need to be nécessaire.

We have multiple fronts, and need to be wise in our forces distribution to the different area of the map. You not going to be beat soon.




Quick, someone else needs to come to their rescue!! Greece? Switzerland? Lowlands?

You need to veify the RWE news more. All those countries have engagements (<- I think that correct in English?) alreadies.



We have to better the odds here. If just one more country can join the northern hoard, they will have two hoards for every freedom-fighting Arab. Bring it on!

This is very false. I shocked at such propaganda.


Is not one of you a professeur de mathématiques?

Do the calculations of forces relative strength in your area again, please.


Or actuialies... If people belive this, than maybe we should not reveal the truth... ?





Au Plaisir,



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As for my fighters, I will have them do something else if you, Turkey, Rumania, and Southern Russia promise to quit bombing me.


See! My country (The Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands) is not there.


I tell you I'm not hurt you.





I guess it is easy to be critical launching attacks from the safety of Central Russia. Conquering dropped countries in Europe and attacking from a safe distance...It's easy to look good from there.



Stop that.


Any body who know how to play the game, know this not to be true, or that it even probable.

I think you over-reactioning again. No let les emotions get better of you.


You don't know what happened with Central Russia, or how DezertCamel is playing. The way you utilise the words, is plain that you do not.


If you want to start such things, be careful, I am honorable person, and won't let such things stand.

Be polite, and play nice, please.





Maybe I should become TAs with anyone in position to invade me, then set up airbases in Turkey and bomb Greece from a safe distance. I would look like a genius then.


On the contraire. It look more like you are emotional again, and trying to attack with words because you are frustrated.




Au Plaisir,



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Earthling, coothunter, and anyone else that need to know:



The all everything story with the Confederacy and Poland and the other things you have not correct, is all have to do with two things;


#1. The failure (or in not doing it good job) of the Confederacy in it's diplomacy with the other alliances blocks, at the begining of the game. Then followed by an false vision on how the game was going to develope, after the falling of the southern European alliance block. An on top of it, it had no desires to change it's startegies, when things were showing defferentlly for them.


#2. Because of #1, some other people were on going efforts in trying to machine things in the back rooms for control of the game. Is war game, and the wars are many times won (decided) before they start. It depends on many things, not just how many tanks you have on the fronts lines, at the moment.



I like that the people who post on this subject, have little knowledges what happened, but yet they like to tell how it did happen. That all makes me laughs the more than ever.


Don't blame Poland (Pharaoh). Pharaoh (Poland) was caught in a personal situation, and in all most certainty, he not see it coming until it too late. He had to make the best choices he could with it. He was going to stop playing at one point, because of all of this even. He very honorable person. You now here it from me. The Confederacy was even made aware of it long before they started with posts on the subject. I could not believe they not see things as they were, so I even told them just to see if my theoreis were correct. I don't want to see this any more, as is old subject that seems to have to keep recuring because people refuse to see what things actually were. If you need reasoning, look at #1 up top. If you want to hold somebody responsible, than that would really be me. I refused his resignation, and held the rest not to attack his country.


DezertCamel (Central Russia), was not involved in game begining. I asked him to come in and replace the person who dropped that country on turn 5 or 6 of the game. (I'd have to check in the records past now, as it has been so long). I asked him to stay quite for some time, as I was very much involved in the world political machinations I described in #2, at the top. Although he wasnt happy, he very nice to me and went along. The aliiance was already set, and he pretty well go along with how the game was going to be steered in which directions, and went along with the plans. So lay off of him too, and if you want somebody in our alliance to blame, then blame me. I was the one that pushed how on things would go.


So to all who think it one person or the other, or who think there has been a betrayal, etc.; I say go back and review how things developed, and tell me what part you had in deciding controlling it's course till now. There are actually just a handful of people (out of the 40 that started) who are really responsible, and some of those have been knocked out already too.



I like the goodly natured posts and the jokes and the deceptions and the honest fun in the propaganda ministry forum. But not the question of anyone's name, or reputation. Get your facts straight, firsts please.




Au Plaisir,



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I feel like a security guard at the local mall.


Would the parents of some lost Russian sailors please come to the Western Med to collect them. Please come to the service desk located near Gibralter.


And as always..thanks for visiting Morocco!




Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them so we can direct them in in the proper direction.




No need to to makes every bodies do the guessings.

It me.




And Takeda; I know we far from the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, but we not lost.

Thank you, Morocco coast very sunshine bright.




"petit" Patton; no required that you do that. I have been advised by several peoples of the sightings, and some even send me the reports by e-mail.



Why the large fuss?



No happy glad, to see some Russe BB in the Mediterranean's seas?



There so many oother of us here, we wanteds to join the parties too.





Au Plaisir,






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I feel like a security guard at the local mall.


Would the parents of some lost Russian sailors please come to the Western Med to collect them. Please come to the service desk located near Gibralter.


And as always..thanks for visiting Morocco!




Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them so we can direct them in in the proper direction.




No need to to makes every bodies do the guessings.

It me.




And Takeda; I know we far from the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, but we not lost.

Thank you, Morocco coast very sunshine bright.




"petit" Patton; no required that you do that. I have been advised by several peoples of the sightings, and some even send me the reports by e-mail.



Why the large fuss?



No happy glad, to see some Russe BB in the Mediterranean's seas?



There so many oother of us here, we wanteds to join the parties too.





Au Plaisir,







In your flurry of posts, I see no explanation of Northern Russian ships in the Med. Are you now looking for warmer climes to spread your brand of truth?

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The Northern Russian ships have volunteered to contribute to W.M.A.R.P.! The Western Med Artificial Reef Program. Moroccan planes will soon arrive to direct them to their new home.. sleeping with the fishes.


N.Russia.. please direct your crews to turn off their engines, change into their swim trunks, and put on lots of suntan lotion. The forcast for the med is warm with occasional showers of 500lbers. Thanks for your cooperation and for your contribution to W.M.A.R.P..



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