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Greetings Kom-Ka Federation (2165) 'Sun Touching Three Worlds With


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Greetings Kom-Ka Federation,


Welcome to Flagritz Space! Your ships have been spotted in a system administered by the Republic. To ensure no unfortunate accidents happen to your ships we recommend contacting us at your earliest convenience.


To the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic

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Greetings Kom-Ka Federation,


Welcome to Flagritz Space! Your ships have been spotted in a system administered by the Republic. To ensure no unfortunate accidents happen to your ships we recommend contacting us at your earliest convenience.


To the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic




we we

we are

we are KomKa


Komka Flagritz

look look

see see

peace ???

trade ???

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Alien Fleet Sighting : XXXXX Warp Point # 125068 [warp move by empire # 1597]

[stellar cartography reports that Warp Point # 125068 has not yet been surveyed by your scouts]

FGZ Flagritz Republic # 1597 'Large Purple Winged Dragon With Fiery Red Eyes'

[X-Ray] 4th Warp Scouts

1 XS Twilight Mk2 Warp Scout (Express Ship - 200,000 tons)

[Romeo] Fleet 815

1 FS Hazzard Sentinel (Fleet Scout - 1,000 tons)




----- XXXXXX [ M (Red) 9 V ] [binary Star System] - Warp Point 125068 -----

Flagritz Republic # 1597 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 201,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 88,700.....Base Fire Control: 1 [3,000 bridge]

4th Warp Scouts Flagritz Republic #1597 Pioneer Yank

202KomEx Kom-Ka Federation #2165 Pioneer

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Flagritz Republic # 1597 [Large Purple Winged Dragon With Fiery Red Eyes]

4th Warp Scouts [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 XS Twilight Mk2 Warp Scout (Express Ship - 200,000 tons [each])

<32,000 Fuel>

Fleet 815 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 FS Hazzard Sentinel (Fleet Scout - 1,000 tons [each])

<153 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [sun Touching Three Worlds With Its Rays]

202KomEx [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 88,700)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 EX JumpEx (Explorer - 64,700 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 9] 2 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

<2,016 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

XS Twilight Mk2 Warp Scout (Express Ship - 200,000 tons) [integrity: 113,000 / 113,000] [shields: 160,000 / 160,000]

(Green, Timid)

Saturday, July 28, 2007 Kom-Ka Federation 2165 Page 3 of 73

47,000 Fuel Tankage, 10 Light Graser, 1,000 Mk II Fusion Engine, 100 Mk III Force Shield, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Coherent Beam: 114,400

Maneuverability: 10.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9 ------------------------------------------------------------

**LIGHT DAMAGE** FS Hazzard Sentinel (Fleet Scout - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 600 / 800] (Green, Timid)

200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 6 Mk I Short Range Sensor

Maneuverability: 0.30, Missile Defense: 3.70 %, Sensors: 60.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] EX JumpEx (Explorer - 64,700 tons) [integrity: 0 / 38,500] (Green, Timid)

25,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Drone Rack, 1 Fighter Bay, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System

1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor

2 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Science Lab

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 0.10 %, Sensors: 3.80 %

**DESTROYED** [2nd] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,200] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.03, Missile Defense: 0.40 %, Screens: 29.50 %, Sensors: 17.30 %

**DESTROYED** [3rd] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,200] (Green, Timid)

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[7] 1 Twilight Mk2 Warp Sc class XS

[9] 1 Hazzard Sentinel class FS..................................................1 Light

Side 2

[9] 1 JumpEx class EX..................................................1 Destroyed

[9] 2 Pathfinder class FS..................................................2 Destroyed



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The Kom-Ka Federation and the Flagritz Republic stand at a crossroads. Will this minor border skirmish lead to negotiations and peaceful co-existence or will it be war to the finish?


Stay tuned...


The Scene: Ataman Miltiades is standing in his ready room aboard his Flagship Legacy. His assistant is preparing to take down the latest official broadcast...


Ataman: “Are you ready”


Assistant: “Yes Sir”


Ataman: “Okay usual greetings, Express the Republics regrets for the unfortunate incident, condolences to those lost, yada yada. The Republic will strive to find a peaceful solution and hopes to build...”




Ataman: “Enter”


An officer in a black uniform of the Intelligence Services enters the room.


Intelligence Officer: “Ataman we have completed our analysis of the Kom-Ka communications”


Ataman: “Well spit it out, what have our analysts found out”


Intelligence Officer: “Well according to there communication we destroyed there ships before they were able to survey war point 125068 in Sargoch. They also lost a Explorer leader during the incident. Therefore the attack helped maintain the integrity of our borders.


There previous communication indicates they have explored at least 13 systems, with the system names provided it should take approximately 4 months to chart there Published system network.


There Fleet report was 73 pages long, we estimate between 160-200 orders are issued each cycle, with a 90% probability of at least 50 of those orders being standing orders.


Based on the number of orders submitted there is a 70% probability the Kom-ka posses multiple AP transwarp capable vessels.


Based on the number of order submitted we estimate the Kom-ka to have explored over 20 systems by this stage.


Ataman: “Excellent work, I want all of this information passed to our strategists in the war room. Dismissed.

Now where was I... Ah yes the republic will strive to find a peaceful solution and hopes to build an atmosphere of trust and co-operation with our galactic neighbours”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings Kom-Ka Federation,


It appears that communication between our empires is futile. We therefore

will not be making any further attempts to work with your race.


To the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic





>ship------------ship be


>no way out----more---------ship

>no fight--------fight----------lost

>Alduse---------not Alduse---border

>komka be-----flagritz be----all be

>not fight-------fight----------loose

>komka not be-flagritz be---lost






----- ALDUSE [ K (Orange) 4 Ia ] [single Star] - Warp Point 25585 -----

Flagritz Republic # 1597 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 200,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 24,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [2,000 bridge]

5th Warp Scouts Flagritz Republic #1597 Explorer Acropolis

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Flagritz Republic # 1597 [Large Purple Winged Dragon With Fiery Red Eyes]

5th Warp Scouts [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 XS Twilight Mk2 Warp Scout (Express Ship - 200,000 tons [each])

<30,200 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [sun Touching Three Worlds With Its Rays]

109th Recon Fleet [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

<660 Fuel>

111th Recon Fleet [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

Saturday, August 11, 2007 Kom-Ka Federation 2165 Page 8 of 56

[Deploy Location 9] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

<660 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

XS Twilight Mk2 Warp Scout (Express Ship - 200,000 tons) [integrity: 113,000 / 113,000] [shields: 159,815 / 160,000]

(Green, Timid)

47,000 Fuel Tankage, 10 Light Graser, 1,000 Mk II Fusion Engine, 100 Mk III Force Shield, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Coherent Beam: 114,400

Maneuverability: 10.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,200] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.03, Missile Defense: 0.40 %, Screens: 29.50 %, Sensors: 17.30 %

**DESTROYED** [2nd] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,200] (Green, Timid)

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[7] 1 Twilight Mk2 Warp Sc class XS

Side 2

[9] 2 Pathfinder class FS..................................................2 Destroyed



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Go get this guy Flagritz!!! Toast him for the lame communication attempt if for nothing else.



We we

Gonna gonna

die Kom Ka die!!!


<g> funny you should say that, the last communication did infact decide our current stance with the Komka, we hope to keep the momentum of destroying at least 2 of there ships each turn :}


In our defence we tired to help the kom ka by saying please find enclosed the following translation algorithm to allow normal communication: 21=23-319-02904595945054904569604569649640665946840968450684509684056960490495432049485053



But that did not work :huh:


Therfore we shall just have to incorporate them into our empire, this we do for the galactic good so that any other empire who runs into them does not have to deal with the frustrartion of communicating with them :]

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  • 5 months later...

Greetings Kom Ka,


Congratulations on your victories this week. The Flagritz Republic always respects a strong show of force.


I have met with my advisors and as you appear to be more resilient then we gave you credit for we have decided to spare your empire, there may be hope for your simple race yet. Also as we no longer have any scouts left in your space we have lost interest in your corner of the galaxy.


Consider Spyridon and Wali the edge of Republic space, stay out of these systems and remain below our radar free to continue... whatever it is your race does. Progress into Republic space and we will regain our interest in your area of space.





Flagritz Ataman

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  • 7 months later...

16 moons has passed since the Flagritz Republic and the Kom-Ka Federation last crossed swords. Last time the Kom-Ka had the upper hand, this time the Republic prevailed


The first 2 encounters were minor affairs, our invading fleet brushed asside the two pickets the Kom-Ka had placed near there homeworld, had they bothered to place sentrys further afield they would have seen our approaching fleets alot sooner, other races take note.


The next 3 battles saw elite crews in small advanced ships enter the orbit of the Kom-Ka homeworld and take out there screening ships. 168 ships were removed from orbit which will give our main force next turn a clear line of fire against the Kom-Ka's pitiful defences.


The Republic wish to honour the sacrifice of the crews of the 3 Inferno Predators which made this sacrfice to ensure victory next turn.


The sad thing is that it did not have to come to this, the Flagritz would have preferred guaranteeing peace through the establishment of talks and mutual cooperation. The Republic takes no joy in this action, however In 2 moons we expect finally closure on this unhappy endeavor and look forward to welcoming the Kom-Ka people to the Republics fold.


For the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic

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  • 2 weeks later...

As expected the Kom Ka defences were no match to the Republics combined fleet, destruction was total with no Republic ships lost.


We now enter the final days, The Republic calls upon the mighty warriors of the Flagritz Hive to end this sorry conflict.


For the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic


(I will publish the battle reports next turn... however it ends up :pirate2:

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The Clans are always happy to hear about the progress of other species. It will make it easier for us to integrate them into our society after being conquered by our clan warriors. :)


B'tai Hazra

Clan Elder

Seven Clans of Una


PS. Good luck with your assault! :pirate2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Kom Ka homeworld has fallen! Our forces overwhelmed their ground forces and captured the world with ease.


The Flagritz wish to welcome the Kom-Ka people into the fold of the great Flagritz Republic. Along side our allies the Hive and Wimble your civilisation has a chance to develop and become part of something much greater then you could have imagined.


While the main war is over we expect to spend the next 5 moons hunting down the last of the Kom-Ka federations ships, taking over there outer colonies and removing every colony beacon planted. By removing every trace of this federation we will help the Kom Ka people integrate into the Republic much quicker.


For the glory of the Republic!



Warfare Ataman

Flagritz Republic


Now that the war is over their is no reason not to share some of the experiences Ive learnt from this (my first and hopefully last) war. Ive included at the bottom the 5 main battle reports for you to look at. There are lots of lessons to be learnt for both attackers and defenders.


As for the player of the Kom Ka, I want to thank you for being a worthy adversary and I wish you all the best for the future with whatever empire you run.



About 16 turns before any of the real combat occurred one of my scout ships stumbled across the Kom Ka homeworld, I was actually looking for a world to set-up a forward base for rades into Kom Ka space and had no idea I was in the Kom Ka home system let alone found their homeworld. My ship was destroyed but I got a full breakdown of their home defences.


I hadn't run into any sentries on the warp points and their was no warships patrolling, had they stopped me before I got to the homeworld I would not have known the strengths and configuration of his home defences.


I then began co-ordinating my 3 empires to build enough ships to overwhelm the Kom Ka defences. I assumed they would increase their defences each turn and factored in a ratio of 50% of their production going towards defences each turn before I attacked. I needed 3 turns to deploy any forces and so after alot of calculations I figured that after 12 turns of production and 1 turn to build the ships I would have enough forces to overwhelm his forces in 16 turns time (does that make sense?).


A really important thing when co-ordinating any attack is planning how many jumps and how much fuel is going to be needed. Check and double check everything! I almost had to cancel the attack because one of the fleets involved was 30,000 fuel short, luckily a nearby scout with high AP refuelled it mid journey!


Also as you'll see later I planned my fleets based on how the Kom Ka had deployed their forces. This can significantly reduce the amount of material needed to achieve success, there really is many strategies when putting a fleet together.


PHASE 2 - SCREEN CLEARING (Battle reports 1, 2 & 3)

Because so long had passed I did not want to attack the homeworld straight away. If it turned out his defences were too strong I could hold my ships back and build more forces. Also the Kom Ka had deployed alot of screen ships but with very low integrity. I decided therefore to send in 3 small ships on consecutive pulses with high Fire control to reduce the number of screening ships and also scout out his defences.


On this turn my 2 main fleets were also spotted loosing some of the element of surprise for the next turn. This was my own fault, I should have sent a small ship to clear the route first (which was the plan originally).


The attacks were a great success, I cut down 168 ships which would reduce the

battle by at least 4 rounds next turn. I also discovered that he had not built any new defences. Had I known his I would have attacked with my main force that turn also... infact I did not need as many ships! :}


PHASE 3 - MAIN ASSAULT (Battle Report 4)

This phase I was now confident of victory, however because the Kom Ka had seen my fleet last turn and saw the ground forces beign carried they would now have a turn to build to counter this.


For the attack I had counted on the fact that the Kom Ka had a relatively high AP for a defending world. I brought along 6 heavy screens to split his firepower, increasing the number of targets from 4 to 10 that the kom Ka would be firing on, this helped protect the lesser tech ship of the Hive which carried most of my troops. Because I had expected some screens still to be present I had a relatively high FC for my fleet.


The Kom Ka defence fleet had a fundamentall design flaw. It had high integrity but it had few weapons and these were in the screens and front rank ships that would be destroyed at the start. The large surface fortress lacked weapons so by round 5 the ratio of damage being inflicted increased from 8:1 to 50:1. The Kom ka therefore lost any advantage for having more integrity.


Also the Kom Ka knew what my primary weapon was, they had developed the counter, they just did not deploy it in large enough quantities.


One thing to note on this battle was the fact that the Kom Ka had added space defences on the turn of the first battles! Somehow he must have known, but it was too little too late.


PHASE 4 - GROUND ASSAULT (Battle Report 5)


Both the Hive and Flagritz had dropped beacons on the world the turn before, I had also planted some agents on the first turn, they provided the following info:

Agent 00x Thorn 03, operating on XXX, has stolen valuable intelligence concerning civilian

industrial assembly orders belonging to Kom-Ka Federation # 2165. 1,800,000 Foodstuffs(s) were ordered built on XXX.

Director Thorn 04, operating on XXX, has stolen valuable intelligence concerning

civilian industrial assembly orders belonging to Kom-Ka Federation # 2165. 1,800,000 Grains(s) were ordered built on XXX.


I knew therefore the Kom Ka had added potentially another 36 divisions. If my attack failed on the ground tyhe last two turns would have all been for nothing, I would have lsot 70 divisions, it would take me 3 turns to get my ships back, several turns to build troops, another 3 turns to get back and by then I would be back at square 1. The ground combat phase is so very crucial!


Luckily for me it looks like the Kom Ka ended up building fortresses, instead of a mix of 36 divisions. Because they were only stronger in 5 tech areas (I was stronger in 17 areas) the odds were heavily in my favour. The battle was completed and the homeworld was won!


And that is my campaign, I hope it has provided some useful insight for both defence and attack.


While victory is great I never actually thought I would pull it off in my first campaign. I think I will now focus on developing my empires, my neighbours can sleep easy.... or can they? :}






Flagritz Empire # 1597 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 200,000.....Base Fire Control: 75 [15,000,000 bridge]

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 (+5 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 10,994,450.....Base Fire Control: 10 [120,521,000 bridge]

101st Recon Group Kom-Ka Federation #2165 Major

Homeworld PDC Kom-Ka Federation #2165 Admiral

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle

** ------------------------------------------

Flagritz Empire # 1597 [Large Purple Winged Dragon With Fiery Red Eyes]

1st Ghost of Inferno [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CL Inferno Predator (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle

** ------------------------------------------

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [sun Touching Three Worlds With Its Rays]

101st Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

400th KomTra [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,253,800)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 LF KomKaInSysTr (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 9] 11 COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons


Homeworld PDC [ROE: Y] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,597,250)

[Deploy Location 3] 4 CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 5 CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 2 CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 SFX CCC (Surface Fortress - 1,192,750 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 149 SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CLNR KomKaCo (Colonial Liner - 1,178,200 tons [each])


751th Fleet [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 100,400)

[Deploy Location 9] 2 LTA LiJuTa (Light Tanker - 50,200 tons [each])

Fleet 806 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 31,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 31 LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons [each])

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [ 100 / 100 Fighter] Standard Attack

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [ 100 / 100 Light Drone] Standard Attack

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1


**DESTROYED** [1st] CL Inferno Predator (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons)

[integrity: 0 / 774,500] (Green, Timid)

1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 35 Medium Graser, 200 Mk III Fusion Engine, 600 Mk V

Computer System

4,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Coherent Beam: 1,601,600

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 33.40 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 3


**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

2,804,887 / 2,824,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 10 Fuel

Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 130,000 Selenite Battle Weave

Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 30.00 %

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

2,804,887 / 2,824,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 7,374,300 /

7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 130,000

Cordellium Composite

10 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump


Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 30.00 %

CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 7,374,300 /

7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

7,354,887 / 7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 7,374,300 /

7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 7,374,300 /

7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 5,724,300 /

5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 100,000

Cordellium Composite

10 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump

Drive, 30,000 Shadowcloak Armor Coating

Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 30.00 %, Reflective Coating: 83.70 %

CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 5,724,300 /

5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 5,724,300 /

5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

5,721,129 / 5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7


SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons) [integrity: 9,900,000 / 9,900,000]

(Seasoned, Valiant)

1,500 10cm Autocannon, 1 Mk I Computer System, 24,900 Reflective Armor Coating,

300,000 Standard Hull Plate

25 Type A Defense Screen

Projectile: 165,000

Reflective Coating: 20.00 %, Screens: 20.00 %

SFX CCC (Surface Fortress - 1,192,750 tons) [integrity: 554,874,750 /

554,874,750] (Green, Timid)

2 10cm Autocannon, 50 3cm Chain Gun, 50 3cm Needler, 2 40cm Autocannon, 1,000

5cm Chain Gun

50 6cm Gatling CIDS, 33 8cm Gatling CIDS, 1,100,000 Cordellium Composite, 76

Laser CIDS, 2 Medium Magnetic Grapple

1 Medium P-Cannon, 1 Mk I Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1 Mk II Bore

Torpedo, 10 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS

1 Mk II Thunderbolt Arc Generator, 1 Mk III Standard Torpedo, 2 Mk IV Short

Range Torpedo

Energy Discharge: 8,800, Gravitonic: 7,392, Missile: 17,600, Plasma: 4,400,

Projectile: 284,460

Missile Defense: 3.60 %

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


1 Type A Science Lab

Missile Defense: 4.60 %

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [26th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [29th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [39th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [11st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [60th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [2nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [27th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [38th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [16th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [22nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [31st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [58th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [23rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [51st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [65th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [45th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [52nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [63rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [7th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [68th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [8th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [15th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [17th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [25th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [62nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [64th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [19th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [12nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [4th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [21st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [14th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [53rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [5th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [66th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [20th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [44th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [57th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [49th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [37th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [30th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [33rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [40th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [13rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [3rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [54th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [18th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [50th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [56th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [47th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [32nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [6th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [43rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [48th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

700 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk I Short

Range Sensor

Maneuverability: 0.30, Missile Defense: 7.90 %, Sensors: 20.00 %

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [34th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [9th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 300]

(Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [10th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [28th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [24th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [42nd] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [36th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [46th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [61st] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [35th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [59th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [55th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9


LF KomKaInSysTr (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons) [integrity: 200 / 200] (Green,


50,000 Cargo Bay, 5,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump


Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 0.20 %

**DESTROYED** [41st] LTA LiJuTa (Light Tanker - 50,200 tons) [integrity: 0 /

200] (Green, Timid)

50,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 0.20 %

**DESTROYED** [67th] LTA LiJuTa (Light Tanker - 50,200 tons) [integrity: 0 /

200] (Green, Timid)

FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 13,200 / 13,200] (Green,


1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1

Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor,

1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.03, Missile Defense: 0.80 %, Screens: 29.50 %, Sensors: 17.30


**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

22,500 Cargo Bay, 45 Colonial Berthing, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

Missile Defense: 0.10 %

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12


CLNR KomKaCo (Colonial Liner - 1,178,200 tons) [integrity: 1,020,200 /

1,020,200] (Green, Timid)

50,000 Cargo Bay, 100 Colonial Berthing, 1 Drone Rack, 1 Fighter Bay, 108,000

Fuel Tankage

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Missile Defense: 0.10 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[1] 1 Inferno Predator class

CL..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[3] 2 KomKaHulk class CL..................................................2


[3] 5 KomKaHulk Mk II class

CL..................................................1 Minor

[3] 4 KomKaHulk Mk IV class

CL..................................................1 Minor

[7] 1 Bastion class SFX

[7] 1 CCC class SFX

[7] 149 Decoy class SOX..................................................53


[7] 31 KomKaWa class LTA..................................................12


[9] 1 KomKaInSysTr class LF

[9] 2 LiJuTa class LTA..................................................2


[9] 1 Pathfinder class FS

[9] 11 SmallCo class COLL..................................................4


[12] 1 KomKaCo class CLNR









Flagritz Empire # 1597 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 200,000.....Base Fire Control: 75 [15,000,000 bridge]

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 (+5 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 10,829,050.....Base Fire Control: 11 [120,521,000 bridge]

101st Recon Group Kom-Ka Federation #2165 Major

Homeworld PDC Kom-Ka Federation #2165 Admiral

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle

** ------------------------------------------

Flagritz Empire # 1597 [Large Purple Winged Dragon With Fiery Red Eyes]

2nd Ghost of Inferno [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CL Inferno Predator (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle

** ------------------------------------------

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [sun Touching Three Worlds With Its Rays]

101st Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

400th KomTra [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,253,800)

[Deploy Location 9] 1 LF KomKaInSysTr (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 9] 11 COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons


Homeworld PDC [ROE: Y] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,544,250)

[Deploy Location 3] 4 CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 5 CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 3] 2 CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 SFX CCC (Surface Fortress - 1,192,750 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 96 SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CLNR KomKaCo (Colonial Liner - 1,178,200 tons [each])


Fleet 806 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 19,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 19 LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons [each])

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [ 100 / 100 Fighter] Standard Attack

Kom-Ka Federation # 2165 [ 100 / 100 Light Drone] Standard Attack

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1


**DESTROYED** [1st] CL Inferno Predator (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons)

[integrity: 0 / 774,500] (Green, Timid)

1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 35 Medium Graser, 200 Mk III Fusion Engine, 600 Mk V

Computer System

4,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Coherent Beam: 1,601,600

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 33.40 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 3


**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

2,804,887 / 2,824,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 10 Fuel

Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 130,000 Selenite Battle Weave

Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 29.80 %

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

2,804,887 / 2,824,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

7,354,887 / 7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 130,000

Cordellium Composite

10 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump


Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 30.00 %

CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 7,374,300 /

7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

7,354,887 / 7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

7,354,887 / 7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk II (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

7,354,887 / 7,374,300] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

5,721,129 / 5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

2,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 5cm Chain Gun, 81 Battle Imaging System, 100,000

Cordellium Composite

10 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump

Drive, 30,000 Shadowcloak Armor Coating

Projectile: 528,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 30.00 %, Reflective Coating: 83.70 %

**MINOR DAMAGE** CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity:

5,714,735 / 5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 5,724,300 /

5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

CL KomKaHulk Mk IV (Light Cruiser - 234,300 tons) [integrity: 5,724,300 /

5,724,300] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7


**MINOR DAMAGE** SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons) [integrity:

9,873,697 / 9,900,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

1,500 10cm Autocannon, 1 Mk I Computer System, 24,900 Reflective Armor Coating,

300,000 Standard Hull Plate

25 Type A Defense Screen

Projectile: 165,000

Reflective Coating: 20.00 %, Screens: 20.00 %

SFX CCC (Surface Fortress - 1,192,750 tons) [integrity: 554,874,750 /

554,874,750] (Green, Timid)

2 10cm Autocannon, 50 3cm Chain Gun, 50 3cm Needler, 2 40cm Autocannon, 1,000

5cm Chain Gun

50 6cm Gatling CIDS, 33 8cm Gatling CIDS, 1,100,000 Cordellium Composite, 76

Laser CIDS, 2 Medium Magnetic Grapple

1 Medium P-Cannon, 1 Mk I Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1 Mk II Bore

Torpedo, 10 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS

1 Mk II Thunderbolt Arc Generator, 1 Mk III Standard Torpedo, 2 Mk IV Short

Range Torpedo

Energy Discharge: 8,800, Gravitonic: 7,392, Missile: 17,600, Plasma: 4,400,

Projectile: 284,460

Missile Defense: 3.60 %

**DESTROYED** [25th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

1 Type A Science Lab

Missile Defense: 6.60 %

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [59th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [50th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [23rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [5th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [58th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [21st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [11st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [52nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [3rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [42nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [27th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [35th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [2nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [22nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [7th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [48th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [34th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [17th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [47th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [19th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [39th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [16th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [15th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [46th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [40th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [14th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [31st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [6th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [38th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [51st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [29th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [12nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [53rd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [56th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [20th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [37th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [24th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [36th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [30th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [57th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [32nd] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [9th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [41st] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [54th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [44th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [26th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [8th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000 / 9,000] (Green,


**DESTROYED** [55th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [28th] SOX Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

9,000] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

700 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk I Short

Range Sensor

Maneuverability: 0.30, Missile Defense: 9.80 %, Sensors: 20.00 %

**DESTROYED** [33rd] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [49th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [4th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 300]

(Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [45th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [13rd] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [10th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 300 / 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [18th] LTA KomKaWa (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 /

300] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9


**DESTROYED** [43rd] LF KomKaInSysTr (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons) [integrity:

0 / 200] (Green, Timid)

50,000 Cargo Bay, 5,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump


Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 0.20 %

FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 13,200 / 13,200] (Green,


1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1

Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor,

1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.03, Missile Defense: 0.90 %, Screens: 29.50 %, Sensors: 17.30


COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

22,500 Cargo Bay, 45 Colonial Berthing, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

Missile Defense: 0.10 %

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 419,594 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 389,089 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 434,847 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons)

[integrity: 419,594 / 450,100] (Green, Timid)

COLL SmallCo (Large Colonial Transport - 472,600 tons) [integrity: 450,100 /

450,100] (Green, Timid)

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12


**MINOR DAMAGE** CLNR KomKaCo (Colonial Liner - 1,178,200 tons) [integrity:

1,006,423 / 1,020,200] (Green, Timid)

50,000 Cargo Bay, 100 Colonial Berthing, 1 Drone Rack, 1 Fighter Bay, 108,000

Fuel Tankage

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Missile Defense: 0.10 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[1] 1 Inferno Predator class

CL..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[3] 2 KomKaHulk class CL..................................................2


[3] 5 KomKaHulk Mk II class

CL..................................................4 Minor

[3] 4 KomKaHulk Mk IV class

CL..................................................2 Minor

[7] 1 Bastion class SFX..................................................1 Minor

[7] 1 CCC class SFX

[7] 96 Decoy class SOX..................................................50


[7] 19 KomKaWa class LTA..................................................7


[9] 1 KomKaInSysTr class LF..................................................1


[9] 1 Pathfinder class FS

[9] 11 SmallCo class COLL..................................................7


[12] 1 KomKaCo class CLNR..................................................1







For some reason I cant post all the battle reports in this thread, so had to put the other 3 in 2 other threads.

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Thanks for posting your thoughts on combat and your battle reports. I don't have anything to add other than, had Kom Ka reacted sooner, I don't think you would have had it easy. On the other hand, I think you would have prevailed eventually because you knew where Kom Ka was located but I doubt he knew your HW location. :cheers:

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