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Please prevent cheating


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Check the ships at the bottom.

They are designed to cheat! They transport more Fuel and Cargo than they should. They should

not even have been able to leave their HW system!

But they roam space.

I know that there is a RN snafu, where you can end up with stuff on your fleet, which sometimes is even annoying. But these designs are designed to take advantage of it.


Pete, please fix the bug and move these ships back to their HW !


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Krovikan # 1020 [black Flag With Veni-Vedi-Vidi Written In Red]

Fleet 444 [ROE: Y] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 152,399)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 CL HPB (Light Cruiser - 152,399 tons [each])

<241,283 Fuel>


CL HPB (Light Cruiser - 152,399 tons) [integrity: 1,507,300 / 1,507,300] (Green, Timid)

79 Battle Imaging System, 25,000 Cordellium Composite, 99 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk I Pursuit Missile

203 Mk II Thermal Regulator, 4 Mk III Heavy Torpedo, 19 Mk III Standard Torpedo, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

395 Mk V Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 227,200

Maneuverability: 10.37, Missile Defense: 50.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 57.20 %


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Krovikan # 1020 [black Flag With Veni-Vedi-Vidi Written In Red]

Fleet 146 [ROE: Y] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 162,499)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 XS HPD (Express Ship - 162,499 tons [each])

<5 Colony Beacon>--<13 ESP Hallucinator>--<148,867 Fuel>--<267 Fusion Bomb>


XS HPD (Express Ship - 162,499 tons) [integrity: 532,832 / 532,832] (Green, Timid)

43 30cm Autocannon, 1 Cargo Bay, 7,097 Cordellium Composite, 1 Fuel Tankage, 30 Light P-Cannon

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 975 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Plasma: 33,000, Projectile: 56,760

Maneuverability: 12.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

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What loser is running the Krovikian empire? Is this yet ANOTHER PA trick?


Seems to me that this guy should get some sort of penalty imposed on him for deliberately circumventing the rules in such a blatant manner.


Seems he is hiding his identiy for a reason ;)

Nope, the REA came up empty and no communication, not even a MESS.

At first look I thought he was a newbie, wie only 99 Fuel Tankages on that ship, then I saw the one with only 1 and noticed the fuel he had on board. So it seems to be an experienced player, who tries to

prey on new positions. Bad luck for him to come across me and my friends there.

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Thanks for pointing that out Cestvel. I hate to see players succeed by exploits and cheats, rather than by skill.


This is not directed at anyone in particular, but there seems to be a growing belief that if you point out a bug to Pete, you are free to exploit that bug until he fixes it. I know this has come up before, but how many empires are carrying Fortress units in one troop berthing? I've asked Pete before, and he has said that one Fortress unit should take up 10 berthings. Has this bug been fixed yet?

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This isn't a critique of the views expressed, but a request for clarification on the issue. Personally, I prefer my newer designs to be self-sufficient.


I was under the impression that it is the FLEET total fuel that is measured for warp jumps, not the individual ships capacity/fuel levels - this making it possible to save tonnage on a warship by having a flying mega-fuel tank in the fleet (which would have to be detached when anticipating combat unless it had a warship's protection itself). I would think this was not a design flaw in the game but something that allowed fleets of varying compositions to come together and complement one another?


Ok, I may be missing the point (and I am not trying to be a smartass either in case anyone is wondering) - so some clarification would be genuinely appreciated.

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This isn't a critique of the views expressed, but a request for clarification on the issue. Personally, I prefer my newer designs to be self-sufficient.


I was under the impression that it is the FLEET total fuel that is measured for warp jumps, not the individual ships capacity/fuel levels - this making it possible to save tonnage on a warship by having a flying mega-fuel tank in the fleet (which would have to be detached when anticipating combat unless it had a warship's protection itself). I would think this was not a design flaw in the game but something that allowed fleets of varying compositions to come together and complement one another?


Ok, I may be missing the point (and I am not trying to be a smartass either in case anyone is wondering) - so some clarification would be genuinely appreciated.


These two ships roamed around through WPs on their own. No Tanker in sight. I am sure Pete checked for that as well.


And why put 1 or 99 Fuel Tanks on such a design anyway. if you go by tanker, you either put not tanks on the warship or only a few, that it can go alone through a WP. But 1 ????


No these were definetly build to exploit the RN bug.

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Check the ships at the bottom.

They are designed to cheat! They transport more Fuel and Cargo than they should. They should

not even have been able to leave their HW system!

But they roam space.

I know that there is a RN snafu, where you can end up with stuff on your fleet, which sometimes is even annoying. But these designs are designed to take advantage of it.


Pete, please fix the bug and move these ships back to their HW !


What bugs? As a white hat I would think you would of posted known bugs. Adding stuff to fleets with RN, like what kind of stuff? You saying that someone could make 1000 starbores with this bug?

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Check the ships at the bottom.

They are designed to cheat! They transport more Fuel and Cargo than they should. They should

not even have been able to leave their HW system!

But they roam space.

I know that there is a RN snafu, where you can end up with stuff on your fleet, which sometimes is even annoying. But these designs are designed to take advantage of it.


Pete, please fix the bug and move these ships back to their HW !


What bugs? As a white hat I would think you would of posted known bugs. Adding stuff to fleets with RN, like what kind of stuff? You saying that someone could make 1000 starbores with this bug?



Nah, sometimes it happens, no idea what the conditions are, that after a RN a part of the fleets end up

with more stuff on it that berthings, cargo, tankage allow for.


E.g. I have encountered fleets with fighters on it with no Fighter Bays, or I ended up with a fleet carrying 100.000 CMs with only 50.000 Cargo Bays. (That incident was annoying, because the fleet went off through a couple of WPs and the remaining fleet, which had the 50.000 Cargo Bays got no cargo at all ;) )


I thought it was fixed long ago, as it was reported long ago and did not happen to me any longer.


But seeing these designs, which do not even work to leave your home system for more than one jump but both observed carrying huge amounts of fuel are crying out loud.


So you do not multiply cargo, it just ends up on the fleet, that has not the berthings for it.


At least in the incidents, that happened to me in the past.

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