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Game 92


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Wow Race, you have a lot of nerve. You are obviously playing two countries at one time. Iceland continues to fight for Canada, while Canada conquers all of Iceland, and you accuse others of foul play? Funny, but I am ok with your games, it will make it more fun to fight you with the extra production. When I deal you a couple of big blows, will you quit again?

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Wow Race, you have a lot of nerve. You are obviously playing two countries at one time. Iceland continues to fight for Canada, while Canada conquers all of Iceland, and you accuse others of foul play? Funny, but I am ok with your games, it will make it more fun to fight you with the extra production. When I deal you a couple of big blows, will you quit again?

We only did what you wanted Marklen, we figured out a way to keep it interesting lest there be no opposition for you and Germany.

I'm sure you will prove to be a talented opponent. Canada will resist for the duration of game 92 unless you have a lot more forces than I have seen or heard about to date.



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Mickey I will still buy you a beer sometime but you can't see my turn. Thank-you for confirming what I was saying to my allies, that the most likely explanation was you were receiving Intel from Northern.



Not sure what intel you're referring to but, apart from the two of last turn against you that i mentioned, the only combat report i received from NR that did not involve attacks on german forces was this combat:


"Canada has attacked Northern Russia at Pechenga from xKirkenes" which we readily ignored (i even don't think i shared that with the rest of my TA's).


So... explanation for what?

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Sweden must have quite the SHIP-killed score by now... those nasty Spits!!! :pirate:



On the plus side: Syria will have to think again before going for an 'easy' kill... and probably get a new army first! :python:

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Dang Mickey that was a rude surprise to find your mega fleet at ICE4 ! My poor merchies are still wetting themselves! Fortunately the Queen Mary has some wheels and can run away, especially with the correct DSON given to them beforehand ;) Still, I will be in Amsterdam again at the beginning of April if you want to raise a couple of beers in honor of the sailors who bravely gave their lives.


I spoke to Mike (Sweden) a couple days ago and he was very happy about the performance of his Spits. They are nasty little beasts, aren't they?


A special thanks to Marklan X also for taking the bait I have so long and lovingly prepared for you at Faeros. Hard to believe an empty airbase could draw in so many fleets to CB (was it five fleets?). I wonder if you have ever seen a base with such stacked defenses and fortifications, however?


One really bad thing about wounded ships: They are slow. Sloooooowwwwwwww. Let's just think about that a moment, shall we? ;)



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Errr... you had bombed that battlefleet last turn (or at elast tried to), so i'm guessing it was just a surprise that i hadn't moved away after being spotted?


Hehe, and yes, i'm very happy i didn't go to Iceland via the Faeroe...

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It was a nasty surprise to discover your Mega Fleet was on Interdict there. I thought maybe you had slipped into the area with the thought of doing a massive CB at the same time GB did his attacks. I didn't actually receive Intel about the GB attacks until I got my turn back. That is why I threw a severely attritted air group against Marklan. I need to work on better communications. I'm just too busy sometimes.


Not interested in that beer?



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Dang Mickey that was a rude surprise to find your mega fleet at ICE4 ! My poor merchies are still wetting themselves! Fortunately the Queen Mary has some wheels and can run away, especially with the correct DSON given to them beforehand ;) Still, I will be in Amsterdam again at the beginning of April if you want to raise a couple of beers in honor of the sailors who bravely gave their lives.


I spoke to Mike (Sweden) a couple days ago and he was very happy about the performance of his Spits. They are nasty little beasts, aren't they?


A special thanks to Marklan X also for taking the bait I have so long and lovingly prepared for you at Faeros. Hard to believe an empty airbase could draw in so many fleets to CB (was it five fleets?). I wonder if you have ever seen a base with such stacked defenses and fortifications, however?


One really bad thing about wounded ships: They are slow. Sloooooowwwwwwww. Let's just think about that a moment, shall we? ;)



I work in Amsterdam, so i'm sure we can work out getting a real beer. :)

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Awesome Mickey. I am in Veenendaal for meetings April 3 and 4. Saturday April 5 I will be dropped off again in Amsterdam and I am free until the mid-morning of Sunday April 6 when I fly back to Detroit. Do you know the place called de Admiraal? It seems appropriate. They have good beer and that Dutch liquor Jenever that tastes like Vodka mixed with gasoline. It is at:


Herengracht 319, 1016 AV Amsterdam, Netherlands +31 20 625 4334


It opens Saturdays at 17:00.



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Awesome Mickey. I am in Veenendaal for meetings April 3 and 4. Saturday April 5 I will be dropped off again in Amsterdam and I am free until the mid-morning of Sunday April 6 when I fly back to Detroit. Do you know the place called de Admiraal? It seems appropriate. They have good beer and that Dutch liquor Jenever that tastes like Vodka mixed with gasoline. It is at:


Herengracht 319, 1016 AV Amsterdam, Netherlands +31 20 625 4334


It opens Saturdays at 17:00.



I know de Admiraal... it's a tastery. :) I used to work at the Herengracht, at the MeesPierson building (old stately bank).


Meh, April 5th i'm taken from 4 PM onwards; playing Pathfinder (FRPG) with Edwin (the player of Switzerland in this game) and others. :D


You free Friday evening?

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