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ASK MOONSHADOW - a thread for new players to get the info they need

El Capitan

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Moonshadow has graciously offered to post any ANZ or INST (other than ringworlds) in the SNROTE forum.


To assist in this effort, I have created this dedicated thread for players to post their requests.


(SPOILER ALERT - assuming that ANZ and INST info will actually get posted in this thread, do not read past this post if you are the type of player that prefers the mystery aspect of the game and would rather discover the secrets of the tech tree on your own).



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Why, pray tell , is the vital and groundbreaking ringworld tech being excluded .....you ( meaning Moonshadow ) are still leaving the newbies at a huge disadvantage with such important and game changing technology being excluded . I petition that ringworld tech be included in the techs you make public....

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Why, pray tell , is the vital and groundbreaking ringworld tech being excluded .....you ( meaning Moonshadow ) are still leaving the newbies at a huge disadvantage with such important and game changing technology being excluded . I petition that ringworld tech be included in the techs you make public....



Thank you for my first NOOB question.


If you knew the tech you would not ask that, the amount of industry needed would make the tech usless to a new empire, and more then likely your empire too. LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spinal incinerator? Wouldn't the enemy have to be running away for that to work. Or is it powerful enough to burn through from the front in the later versions? At least one idly curious mind wants to know.....

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Okay, how about Gravitational Stabilizers? I got an explore hit on it but haven't seen it in the game at all.


Sakarissa :alien2:

The Circle

Or the elusive Type A Spinal Incinerator. I just like the name of that thing :)

Type A Spinal Incinerator: Spinal Incinerators are essentially plasma torpedo launchers built into a spinal mount, injecting plasma into a continous beam that strikes the enemy ship with serious impact. Damage inflicted is strictly Plasma and does not otherwise impact like a conventional Plasma Torpedo, but it is a very powerful weapon nonetheless. One advantage of this weapon over Plasma Torps is that your scientists feel confident that it has a higher top end in terms of damage-per-ton. Also, because it deals Plasma damage while Plasma Torps deal Plasma Torp damage, this gives the empire two ways to combat enemy defensive systems. (10,000 tons) 10,000 Shenn Stones - 30,000 Advanced Steel - 10,000 Advanced Electronics Classification: Weapon Range: Beam Structural Integrity: 10000 Prerequisite Technologies: Type A Plasma Torpedo, 100cm Spinal Rail Gun Plasma Strength: Superior [160000]

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Yeah, I know they've been asking in private. I've given out at least a dozen anz's and tech paths over the last three weeks. And that's been my point all along. If new players want info, it's easily obtained just by befriending and asking a veteran player. So I don't think there are many new players lacking for information.


And there is another reason new players ask in private -- they want to keep any advantage over other new players in their area also. That's why you havn't seen one new player ask for an anz to be posted in this thread. They want to get the info but they don't want their enemies (or potential enemies) to get the info also.


And I'm glad to see that you've gained your senses and now realize that asking for and giving out info publicly can have the side effect of letting those around you clue in to what you are researching or might be lacking. This was also one of my initial points and I'm glad to see that you now agree with me :P

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