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Might be a silly question but computer programs can be a bit dense. 

One ship in fleet with fuel. Transferring said ship to another fleet. Does all the fuel follow the transferring ship to the new fleet? Or does it stay in the now empty fleet? Must I use the "FUEL" command in the RN order? 

These and other good to "doh" questions brought to you by the good people of Random Neurons where random thoughts from nowhere are our specialty.:explode:

Imperium Navium Aetheris



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1 hour ago, hobknob said:

The ships that leave the old fleet for the new fleet will take all the fuel they can carry.  If you use the FUEL order then they will only take a proportional amount based on fuel tanks.

Thanks! Nice and neat. And I was thinking completely wrong in regards to "FUEL". 

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When you do an EXPL and get the message:

"Exploration teams from Fleet #666 search Terra-3 for anything of interest, but find nothing of value"

...with the added caveat that things of value have been found before, does this mean planet is explored out and time to move on to another? 

Thank you for your time!

Imperium Navium Aetheris (INA)

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Not playing in Draco, but in Andromeda, so to answer your question from what i know, no. You have a percentage chance of finding something. I forget the order, but you can find out if a planet has been explored and how much. The more you explore, the harder it becomes to find anything.

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If I remember past forum posts correctly worlds (except gas giants) have a capacity of 80 exploration hits. So once any world has 80 positive expl results it is exhausted. Getting a positive result does not have a 100 percent chance. The more positive expl results a world has had, the harder it gets to get new positive results. The base chance to get a positive result is modified by certain character types and different pieces of ships equipment. There  is a list of some of the equipment that is helpful somewhere in this forum. Also if I remember correctly the modifier provided by each piece of equipment increases based off how many of that type you have on the ship doing the order. So type B science labs have a bigger modiefier than type A science labs, but 50 type B science labs gives a bigger modifier than 10 type B science labs.Some higher generation items actually list an exploration modifier on their ANZ.

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And an ORB order will give a list of the different category of EXPL finds that have occurred on a planet. Such as :a smashed alien observatory:, or an abandoned alien power plant:. I do not know  though if you can have only one find related to that smashed observatory, or several. So using the ORB order might not give an exact count of past positive results.

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Does anyone have the ANZ results for a MK I Standard Torpedo????


I found some and want to use them but none of my data from any Draco empires or old Andromdeda empires ever found this data.   If you don't have Draco then Andromeda should do nicely for my purposes.

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Think this is Andromeda but not sure, something somebody sent me when I started.  


Mk I Standard Torpedo 600t Weapon Mk I Short Range Torpedo Mk II Standard Torpedo Missile Strength: Fair [1140] Steel- 600
Electronics- 600
Proc. Rad.- 600
Fuel- 1,200
Standard Torpedoes mount heavier warheads than short range torpedoes and enjoy a good balance of striking power, speed, and maneauverability.Range: Short Structural Integrity: 600


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A "What if?" question.

Your fleet is at a warp point with resupply as an order and has the rule of engagement that shoot everyone and everything. IF a foreign fleet jumps in, does the resupply order condition by any chance keep your fleet from engaging? 

While common sense says "of course you would fire" computer programs have no common sense I've ever noticed. 

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