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Newbie Questions


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OK, First turn, analyzing printout and figuring options. I suspect I will spend the next week asking newbie style questions. Some answers may well be RTFM (Read the Fine Manual), but if so, I must have glossed over that part ;)


First Question : Most of the Turn report makes sense. However, when looking at the Life Form Modifiers chart on the first page, I am unsure what the abbreviations mean. I have guesses at some, but not all. Is that list somewhere I missed ?


My guesses :

SCM - Space Combat Modifier

RM - Research Modifer

GCM - Ground Combat Modifier

EXM - Explore Modifier


DIP - Diplomacy

DEF - Defense

COL - Colonization



Second Question : The SN Turn software says it must be in the C:\SNROTE directory. Is that still true (I try to keep my C drive small and only have system stuff on there.)

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First Question : Most of the Turn report makes sense. However, when looking at the Life Form Modifiers chart on the first page, I am unsure what the abbreviations mean. I have guesses at some, but not all. Is that list somewhere I missed ?


My guesses :

SCM - Space Combat Modifier

RM - Research Modifer

GCM - Ground Combat Modifier

EXM - Explore Modifier


DIP - Diplomacy

DEF - Defense

COL - Colonization



Yes - and


ESM = Special Bonus Modifer (used in exploration/diplomacy situations)

CCM = Close Combat Modifier


Good question for FAQ - I'll add it today


Second Question : The SN Turn software says it must be in the C:\SNROTE directory. Is that still true (I try to keep my C drive small and only have system stuff on there.)


Yes please - the entry program software tends to be fussy about such things so it is best to go with the default.




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OK, here are a few more silly questions ;)


1) BI orders are not actually built until the proper point in the end order sequence, but what about the CON items. If I CON 1000 mines this turn, do they produce during the production sequence (I think so, just want to make sure).


2) Industrial Complexes are rated on their input capacity (i.e. 1 starting Industrial Complex can handle 250 units of input), but what about Shipyards. My starting Shipyard is rated at 1,000,000 tons. I think that's output ship tonnage, but I thought I should be sure.


3) I have heard talk of a TAC command ? Its not in the order supplement. Unless this is granted by some technology I have yet to develop, it should probably be in the FAQ somewhere. (Unless I was drinking too hard at the time, and imagined the entire thing).




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1) BI orders are not actually built until the proper point in the end order sequence, but what about the CON items. If I CON 1000 mines this turn, do they produce during the production sequence (I think so, just want to make sure).


Correct. CON orders are executed on the spot and any installations built will be available during the production sequence.


2) Industrial Complexes are rated on their input capacity (i.e. 1 starting Industrial Complex can handle 250 units of input), but what about Shipyards. My starting Shipyard is rated at 1,000,000 tons. I think that's output ship tonnage, but I thought I should be sure.


Correct. Shipyards are rated in output tonnage (how much work they can complete in a given turn cycle). Note that the # of shipyard slips is a key factor as well. A 1,000,000 ton shipyard with 1 slip can complete 1 ship per turn of up to 1,000,000 tons. A 1,000,000 ton shipyard with 2 slips could complete as many as 2 ships of up to 1,000,000 tons combined tonnage (i.e. 2 x 500,000, 1 x 750,000 and 1 x 250,000, etc.)


3) I have heard talk of a TAC command ? Its not in the order supplement. Unless this is granted by some technology I have yet to develop, it should probably be in the FAQ somewhere. (Unless I was drinking too hard at the time, and imagined the entire thing).


The TAC command is a standard order used to evaluate ground forces. It is not in the current version of the order supplement. It will be included in the next version when I get it done.





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The TAC Order format is --


TAC, <Army Group Number>


So if you want to see the basic tactical rating of your Home Guard, it would be [TAC, 1]. Note that this doesn't include any racial bonuses or disadavantages.


With regards to Ships, Shipyards and Shipyard Slips, remember that the SHIP and XSHIP Orders get executed before any of your production orders. So if you don't have all of your Ship components in your Imperial Stockpile of the PopGroup you are using to build the Ship, the order will fail. :beer:


Shipyard capacity, however, does carry over from turn to turn. If you were building a 1,500,000 ton ship (and had all the necessary components), it would take you two turns to build-- 1,000,000 tons the turn it's started + 500,000 tons on the following turn. ;)


Oh yeah, one more thing, scrapping ships take up Shipyard capacity as well. Therefore, keep an eye on your Ship Build Queue, because that is the order that ships will get built or scrapped. :thumbsup:


Hope that helps.

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On the subject of ships, what is really needed in a basic cargo/people hauler (with Jump Capacity). I see it as :


1 Engine (Mk I Nuclear for now)

1 Jump Drive (Mk I of course)

xxxx Fuel Tankage (enough for one jump, or I could design a custom tanker to accompany cargo fleets)

xxxx Cargo Holds/Colonist Berthings.


Is that a complete ship ? Do I need to add a computer ? Are there any other systems I REALLY need (Note that these are not planned to ever be near combat)?


Thanks for the feedback.



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B -


Complete ship for transporting people + Cargo


1 Engine (Mk I Nuclear for now)

1 Jump Drive (Mk I of course)

xxxx Fuel Tankage (enough for one jump, or I could design a custom tanker to accompany cargo fleets)


---- I would make enough to go there and back (can't strand it out there can we :-)


xxxx Cargo Holds/Colonist Berthings.


Design smaller ships to do the Colony Beacon stuff. Build Colony Berthing ships to colonize. use the CONVOY ROUTE orders to help you.

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Balagor --


Depends on whether you want to make specialized vessels or a generic colonization vessel. There are pros and cons to either methodology.


If you go with Specialized Vessels, you'll need Fuel Tankers, Cargo Haulers and People Movers --


Fuel Tanker - 1 Engine + 1 Jump Drive + X Fuel Tankage

Cargo Hauler - 1 Engine + 1 Jump Drive + Y Cargo Bay

People Mover - 1 Engine + 1 Jump Drive + Z Colonial Berthing


The upside to this method is that for longer trips, just add more Fuel Tankers. For larger quantities of cargo, add more Cargo Haulers. For larger colonies, faster, add more People Movers. :blink:


Down side - requires more Shipyard Slips. :unsure:


If you go with a generic Colonization vessel, it will need -

1 Engine + 1 Jump Drive + X Fuel Tankage + Y Cargo Bay + Z Colonial Berthing


Upside - takes fewer Slips. :)

Downside - less flexible. :taz:


FWIW - Since you can't use Colonial Berthings for Cargo, those spaces will always be "deadheading" back to your Homeworld. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, is that Fuel Tankage, Cargo Bays and Colonial Berthings weigh the same whether they are full or empty. So your ships always expend the same amount of full regardless of percentage of load. :drunk:

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Even more fun questions. This time the subject is the PMAP, ORB, and GEO orders.


The orders supplement just say : PMAP <Fleet>.

The sample on the turn sheet seems to be : PMAP <Fleet>,<Orbit>

But the Turn Order Program says is : PMAP <Fleet>,<Moon ID>


I assume there has been a change since the Order Supplement, but the Turn Sheet First turn and Turn Entry program seem to differ.


So, if Fleet 102 in orbit of moon 3c, is the PMAP command :

PMAP 102,3c


PMAP 102,c


Or do both work, cause the actual input ignores any number ? (In the last case, which is preferred)




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On the turn entry prpgram Im running... issuing the PMAP order makes you input the fleet and then a letter code for the moon or 0 for the planet in the orbit you are currently orbiting. ORB command is the same as is the GEO command. Only one thats different is the CSV command which requires you to be over the actual location of the moon or planet. ie if Your fleet is in orbit 3 and orbit 3 has a planet and 4 moons a b c and d you can conduct GEO PMAP and ORB orders on any bodies in orbit 3 from any location in orbit 3 but you actually have to be over say Moon 3c to conduct a CSV of it.

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