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I have some additional questions.


1. What are colonial settlers good for? I see them as a step to Trooper but I am wondering if they have any other purpose. Can I send them to my colonies (when I have them)? If so, do they travel in colony berths or troop berths?


2. Are Ground Force units built with the BI order or another order?


Mahalo B)

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1. Other than fighting better than standard population, Colonial Settlers are pretty much just a precursor to Troopers.


2. Only Colonists use Colony Berthings, every other ground unit has to use Troop Berthings.


3. Yes, you use the BI Order to build ground units. Once built you assign them to a Division or they just sit in your stockpile.


-SK B)

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1. Other than fighting better than standard population, Colonial Settlers are pretty much just a precursor to Troopers.

I'm afraid that's not quite right.....


Colonial Settlers are NOT a precursor to Troopers, they are just another troop type in their own right, with their own ratings seen in a TAC result.


Colonists, Troopers and the 3 Soldier types (plus Fanatical Population I assume) don't have their own TAC ratings and need to be built into one of the troop types with various amounts of Steel, Weapons and Food Concentrates (or Electronics, Pharmaceuticals, Fuel or Textiles for the other specials)......




Chief Warmaster to Ur-Lord Tedric

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Mahalo for the answers. Some more questions:


1. Are Settlers built from Troopers or the other way around?


2. I am starting to work on my ship designs and I was wondering if there is any rule if thumb for determining the Fuel Tankage you want on a ship. This is just for ships jumping to other systems of course.


Again Mahalo :D

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1. Settlers are built from Colonists as are Troopers. I think you are getting Colonist confused with Colonial Settler. They are not the same. You can make Colonists from spare Population. You can then make either a Colonial Settler or a Trooper from a Colonist. You can make Soldiers (Imperial Guard, Army or Marine) from Troopers.


2. Rule of Thumb about Fuel Tankage? I don't believe that there is a hard and fast rule. I usually like to have four D-class jumps worth on board, but that's just me. Some people use large Fuel ships that carry Fuel for the whole Fleet with the rest of the ships having no Fuel Tankage, since Fuel for jumps is calculated at the Fleet level not the individual ship level.


-SK :D

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Mahalo SK :ph34r:


1. What confused me about the Settlers is that I saw a player aid that referred to a Colonist Unit for Militia and these were made from Troopers. I dont know if that was an error or if Settlers are even used for Militia as it does not specify. However, I am working on my production Worksheet and I am trying to get it as clean as I can before I receive my position set up. I will modify it then.


2. As for Fuel Tankage, I appreciate the advice. I have decided against Fuel tankers for my exploration and colony fleets as I think those should be as independent as possible. I may create fuel tankers for my warfleets should I need to have them but that is off in the future.


3. I noticed that in the player aids one of them states that 2 Gaseous Elements are needed to make one fuel (the Installations one) and the other (Resource Flow) states 3. I am assuming that 3 is correct but I wanted to confirm this assumption.


Again Mahalo to all who have answered my queries. :D


Edited to add the third question

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I hate to keep asking questions but the rules are vague on some points and although I have read nearly every post in the Rules section I keep coming up with questions. This one was sparked by the Galactic Senate proposal.


When you make contact with another empire, what information do you get? Name and mailing address, email address, empire information??


I am trying to determine if I should turn on PRIV or not.


Mahalo :(

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When you make contact with another empire, what information do you get? Name and mailing address, email address, empire information??


I am trying to determine if I should turn on PRIV or not.


Mahalo :(

Here comes a revisit of the PRIV debate.


And you are assuming you will ever meet another empire in the game.


Snide comments because I have no experience with first contact (but only 18 turns into my empire) and others have gone MUCH longer without contact.


Personally, I like the PRIV rule as it stands, but understand other's POVs.


Octus Imperium

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PRIV either provides or blocks information when a player performs a "Request Empire Address" on you


If you have Privacy toggled to "No" - the player will get your address


If toggled "yes" - the player will got a message that indicates you have your privacy option off


The choice is a personal one. People react differently to those with PRIV options on. I think most use it on a second position in the area. /shrug


I started finding neighbors after approximately 25-35 turns. Most of the time, I've recognized the empire from the boards and didn't even need to bother with a REA.


When you bump into someone, the best thing you could do is come to the boards and look for the empire, or drop them a "MESS" order through your turn.


If you don't receive a response, that could mean that its still an active player playing sleepy on you :( Or -- it could mean its dropped.


The best way to tell about dropped positions is name, number and movement of the fleets you encounter. I hear the AI is stepping up - so if you bump into someone who isn't responding?.....well....caution is the better portion of valour etc :P

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PRIV either provides or blocks information when a player performs a "Request Empire Address" on you


Hmm. I thought you automatically got the address when you bumped into a fleet. Glad I found this out beforehand or I would have thought everyone hated me. :lol:


One question though, by address do you mean email or Brick and Mortar address?


Also, I asked this one earlier but did not get an answer.


I noticed that in the player aids one of them states that 2 Gaseous Elements are needed to make one fuel (the Installations one) and the other (Resource Flow) states 3. I am assuming that 3 is correct but I wanted to confirm this assumption.


Mahalo B)

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When you first contact another empire in space, you will get something like the following:


Alien Fleet Sighting : System - 1 [in system move by 1234]

HBO Holy Brotherhood Of Brewmasters # 4321 'A Large Keg'

110th BrewTruck Fleet

1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons)


(the system names and Empire names/numbers have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty alike)


Generally this will be a first contact. This means that empire 1234 move a ship and spotted a Pathfinder of the HBOB. If either empire had an ROE that would initiate an attack, then a battle would have ensued and results displayed.

Once you get something like this, you can scan the boards for this empire, post a message looking for him, or do a REA order the next turn.

Hope this helps.


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One question though, by address do you mean email or Brick and Mortar address?

You get whatever address that person has given RTG to display. That could be the snail mail address, email address or "contact RTG for information". I'm not sure, but I believe mine is email. B)

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I can answer the question about the apparent discrepency about Gaseous Elements and Fuel.


You can build fuel stockpiles in one of three ways at the dawn of your civilization:


1) Using resources

2) Building Fuel Refineries

3) Establish SKIM Operations over Gas Giants (or appropraite atmosphered worlds)


Using resources


When using resources, it takes 3 Gaseous Elements to make 1 Fuel. This is accomplished through industrial complexes like other resource conversions.


Fuel Refineries


For every Fuel Refinery you build (500 CM and no power), you may convert 2 Gaseous Elements into 10 Fuel. You need to have enough Gaseous elements to pull this off. You start off with 10 Fuel Refineries...and 100 fuel per turn will not cut it B) Luckily there are better Fuel Installations available around the corner


SKIM Operations


If you get lucky and have a gas giant in your system, you can SKIM the Gas Giant and offload the fuel onto your homeworld (or as some might suggest - on the gas giant itself and then have fleets go to the gas giant and load up fuel from the pop center you establish on the gas giant --- the trade-off? A 2-action point ship can SKIM twice in one turn and create a hihger stockpile of fuel than an operation where it travels back and forthe betwee nthe HW....its your choice)


A basic design is something like this: 40,000 Fuel Tankage, 200 Fuel Shuttles, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine Then set up a Convoy Route that 1) moves to gas giant 2) SKIMs for gas 3) goes back to homeworld and OC the fuel


If you want to offload a colony beacon onto the gas giant, throw in 5,000 Cargo Bays and load up a Colony Beacon. COLB the Gas Giant and then set up orders to have it SKIM,OC,SKIM,OC


Hope that helped!


Oh I don't know if you get an email adress or not on the REA. I'll have to check. I remember getting a mailing address though for sure. I think it varies.

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