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Things are becoming very clear now. Some posts ago, Portugal tried to declare himself a victim from us, now they cowardly attacked my fleet before "our" French coast. Also USA is trying to get hostile with me by trying to break his N.A.P. I think it is very obvious now who initiated a war against us.


– Ne conjugare nobiscum –

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It does not matter who started what. You are at War with Portugal by attempting to Invade Spain.


The United States cannot stand by while your agressive tactics threaten the state of Portugal.


We will break our NAP with you as soon as we can to help in the defense of Portugal, they are our Total Allies and we will defend them against you, Great Britain or any other who decided to take a pop.


If you are in any doubt of our resolve then you should know our first fleet is already in Europe, our second is on its way along with men and materials.


I must say the reports of Irelands green pastures are true, they would make suitable homes for our American citizens. We have plenty of Irish immigrants wanting to come home.

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Things are becoming very clear now. Some posts ago, Portugal tried to declare himself a victim from us, now they cowardly attacked my fleet before "our" French coast. Also USA is trying to get hostile with me by trying to break his N.A.P.  I think it is very obvious now who initiated a war against us.


– Ne conjugare nobiscum –


Oh, you mean that hostile fleet that "didn't exist"? I think most readers recognized what was going on. I am sorry that I ruined your amphibious invasion, but feel free to continue trying. You might find it is about to become a bit more expensive than you realized.



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– All Irishmen and Americans are welcome, free whisky for all –

(but don't you dare to aim a gun at us)


– To my Portugese friend, after repeated invitations I accept and will pay you a visit. You can already open a bottle of wine –


– nemo me impune laccessit –

(no one harms me unpunished)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems as if the Tunisians and the Egyptians were correct with regard to the intentions of Algeria and Morocco toward Libya. :wub: With Morocco declaring war against Libya, the truth can now be seen that the Libyans were a mere cog in the wheel of the Algerians. The Moroccans plan is now obvious: Use the Libyans as conscripts and slaves to fight thier wars for them! :cheers:


The great Egyptian Empire will soon free the Libyans of their oppressors and liberate all of the occupied North African Territories. If Egypt has to invade the Algerian controled Italianan territories to free the world of its oppression, it will be done. :cheers:


Our allies are many and we will make sure that Iberia is freed of its oppression as well! We will remake the Pyramids in Cassablanca and Algiers in need be to prove the greatness of the Egyptian Empire.



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I am sorry

(stands with hands on hips, notices it looks a bit gay, quickly adopts very manly pose, hopes no one saw)

But I thought Patriot Q

was the comic relief


News just in

As many are aware, the French government recently announced a raise in its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide”. The normal level is “General Arrogance”, and the only two higher levels in France are “Surrender” and “Collaborate”. The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country’s military capability.

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Just so everyone is clear on the matter, our invasion of Libya was initiated only after many attempts to reestablish contact with the Libyan premier failed.  We can only assume there has been a coup, no doubt orchestrated by the Egyptians, or Tunisian government in exile.



The Egyptians have merely offered the Libyan premier amnesty for his deplorable actions and betrayal of the Tunisians.


To the Algerians: I have found not Turkeys? What do you speak of, these Turkeys? Turkey is on the other side of the Med. :jawdrop:

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