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Your sea space????? I wasn't aware that sea spaces are listed in any country's territorial lists. Fairly bold statement! Ships move in and around many sea zones regularly. Just because the seas zone is adjacent to your country does not mean that you own the territory. Ships travel through it regularly (as do through the seas near my country). That does not mean the the intentions are nefarious. You MAY have DW on two countries that had no intention of attacking you.



Egypt 76



Well...you and Britain refused my correspondence, not even giving the courtesy of a response, and then move units into my sea space....what kind of a response did you expect.  Obviously, you were headed this way from the beginning....fortunately, I am ready.



Portugal '76

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Well...you and Britain refused my correspondence, not even giving the courtesy of a response, and then move units into my sea space....what kind of a response did you expect.  Obviously, you were headed this way from the beginning....fortunately, I am ready.



Portugal '76


Well Earthling, you weren't a part of three turns worth of emails early in this game. When I wouldn't concede half of Spain to Britain/Ireland/France (an obvious ploy to land their units and pin me in), they broke off negotiations. It was clear to me that it would come to this. If they had/have no intentions of war, then we will resolve it with peace over the next few turns. On the other hand, my guess is that they expected my response. Given that I had seen no ships from them for eleven turns, I don't think this was a friendly visit.



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Just because you saw no ships doesn't mean that they weren't there passing through.






Well Earthling, you weren't a part of three turns worth of emails early in this game. When I wouldn't concede half of Spain to Britain/Ireland/France (an obvious ploy to land their units and pin me in), they broke off negotiations. It was clear to me that it would come to this. If they had/have no intentions of war, then we will resolve it with peace over the next few turns. On the other hand, my guess is that they expected my response. Given that I had seen no ships from them for eleven turns, I don't think this was a friendly visit.



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That five poor minesweepers that you refering to as a "enemy units" were clearing a path for our LCI's and cargo's on their way to somewhere else... But since you are now threatening our route, we have to change our plans and take a close look at you. If you were in a desperate need of attention, well...


Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem

(remember to keep a calm mind in difficulties)

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That five poor minesweepers that you refering to as a "enemy units" were clearing a path for our LCI's and cargo's on their way to somewhere else... But since you are now threatening our route, we have to change our plans and take a close look at you. If you were in a desperate need of attention, well... 


Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem

(remember to keep a calm mind in difficulties)



Forgive me if I doubt your "good intentions". Those mines were put there for a reason....and one might consider your attempt at clearing them a hostile act. Of course, if that was true, perhaps you will contact me requesting peace and a more formal agreement (as I tried to do several times)? I can easily recompense the minimal damage. On the other hand, when additional forces move in this turn, my concerns will be proven well founded.... I won't sit idly by and allow you to make the first strike.

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That five poor minesweepers that you refering to as a "enemy units" were clearing a path for our LCI's and cargo's on their way to somewhere else... But since you are now threatening our route, we have to change our plans and take a close look at you. If you were in a desperate need of attention, well... 


Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem

(remember to keep a calm mind in difficulties)



Forgive me if I doubt your "good intentions". Those mines were put there for a reason....and one might consider your attempt at clearing them a hostile act. Of course, if that was true, perhaps you will contact me requesting peace and a more formal agreement (as I tried to do several times)? I can easily recompense the minimal damage. On the other hand, when additional forces move in this turn, my concerns will be proven well founded.... I won't sit idly by and allow you to make the first strike.


Glad to see that things are heating up all over. Looks like a long shooting war in Iberia.

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The American president wish to open up a second diplomatic front. I have in place agreements with Ireland and Great Britain. Can we not find some common ground and prevent further bloodshed on the coast of Spain? I am sure peace can be achieved.


But if its not.... I am afraid the both of you will find the full weight of the United States navy coming to bear on any landings in Spain.

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So much wailing and gnashing of teeth over a few minesweepers. . . . . . Most nations consider them expendable.


Algeria had hoped to avoid another conflict. However, any attack on our forces, or those of our allies, will be met with swift (and devastating) retaliation. Just ask the Tunisian President . . . . . Oops, you'll need a gypsy and crystal ball for that.



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I find the threats from USA, Portugal and Algeria towards us highly inappropriate. It seems that there is overlooked that we are declared war AT and we did'nt declare any war ON somebody. Is this the kind of diplomacy you had in mind? This is exact the reason why we stopped our negotiatons and communications with Portugal. There is no diplomacy in arrogance.


"Errare humanun est - sed perseverare diabolicum"

(mistakes are human, but to continue making mistakes is devilish)

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What cargo would you be transporting in LCIs? Certainly not trade goods. Minesweepers precede LCIs usually to clear the way for a hostile action. Not for the exchange of trade goods. The indignation offerred at the loss of a few minesweepers lends to the belief you were just looking to create an excuse. If so mission accomplished. I will watch these developements from afar with interest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
B) So...I see Greece don't like having his factorie's shelled(CB). Thats ok, I didn't like getting ganged up on 2 to 1 either. But it's all in good fun right. I mean it's not like you were planning this from day one or any thing like that, were you :beer:
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To The Sultan of Saudi Arabia


Your offer of an None Aggression Pact cannot be accepted. Your current Total Alliance with Great Britain prevents us from being allied at this time. Great Britain is the enemy and as such its attempted incursions in Spain cannot go unanswered.


Please withdraw your ambassador and close your United States Embassy :beer:

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