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Some Newbie questions


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I cannot save map files fron snpathfinder to my desktop.

I want to email the file to my mac where i have graphvix working

When i click save nothing happens


Try to save to a normal directory. Maybe the program has no rights to save to the desktop. And you have to give it a name to safe under.


Also, have you selected a starting system for the map export?

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Is there a maximum number of fleets?

Also is there a max size of a fleet

No to both questions as far as I'm aware - I've not hit any limits. Do note that there is a fuel limitation, no matter the capacity a fleet has you can not load more than 2 billion fuel into a fleet and that you can only load 1 Billion at a time.

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The 2 billion fuel limitation is important, and seems to limit fleet size to about 10 to 20 billion tons if you are moving long distance, for example a 50 billion ton fleet will use 1.6 billion fuel going thru 2 E warp points. shrink the fleet size to 10 billion and the fleets can go thru 12 E Warp points.

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