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Saint Michael

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Uh no. Complete whiff. You are not nearly hitting me as hard as the Russians. These things I know to be true.

1. The African alliance controls the most territory.

2. The Iberian countries original players dropped, and even though they were at war with the African alliance, they were replaced by toady's of the African alliance.

3. The Island nations appear to be in cahoots with the Iberian nations in their war against France, this is of course speculation, but based on hard facts. 

4. Add those together, and over 50% of the map is on one side. 

I find it hard to believe the Island nations will meekly let Africa win the game, and I know the Russian/Balkan alliance won't. If they are successful in conquering Germany, they may have a fighting chance, but it's going to be very tough. Effectively there are 3 alliances left, Germany and France are functionally alone. One of the 3 (the smallest) has shown themselves to be friendly to the vassal states of the largest of the three. 

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The easter team seems to roll over Hungary. 
The UAE are buckling and
The inhabitants of xEuboia seem to discagree with the opinion that Red and Slate Grey are only interrested in taking down Yellow. 
So does Rumania


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Yes, and it will be in the next map. Just like xShinas and xAbudabi. 
And the red arrow between blue and red will be smaller. 
The map is always one whole turn behind the real world events.

The map is a simplified and delayed version of what's happening. 
I Try to keep it neutral, but I do not know all that is happening and 
some things are simplifications. 


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The new map sees the North/Eastern alliance pushing further west and the Sout/Eastern Alliance pushing east. 
Soi they will bump into eachother one of these days. 
And the war between the Iberians and red winds down. 



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And the new map is about the situation from turn 43. With lots of air activities over the Balkans, the fall of Athens, and 
Sun Tzu no doubt will be happy with the new colouring scheme

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On 5/4/2022 at 11:39 AM, dageraad said:


And the new map is about the situation from turn 43. With lots of air activities over the Balkans, the fall of Athens, and 
Sun Tzu no doubt will be happy with the new colouring scheme


Actually you should make Spain and Portugal completely red and their friends from overseas as well. Apart from Iceland and Canada they are all actively fighting me and sharing information / cooperating. The "war" between the USA and Portugal is as hot as your war with Portugal. Why can't I have an arrangement like that ?

The one that you could stripe red (and blue) is Southern Russia. I was hoping blue would go there only to find out that he is TA with CR and Norway ?  I get more and more the idea that I got stranded in a small town where everybody is related to each other.

Never mind. I say come and get me.

Daniel Reick on Twitter: "Poor #american kids, never had #Asterix. How good  for me that #France and #Germany are friends now. So I could read #Asterix  #Comics all the Time. We write
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The inter marriage of TA groups is indeed a real problem for Victory! Germany won't be around long to see the end though, Norwegians invading from the north, Central and Northern Russians from the east, Algerians from the south, and now the Spanish from the west. There can't be a lot of satisfaction in dominating a game when you control half the board at the start. 


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