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Actually, I am Central Russia, Morocco and three other countries. It is my new form of masochism. Not sure that it is worth the money to have my butt kicked so decisively, but it sure is fun to mess up every one else's game. Unfortunately, my sinister plot has been discovered.


Curses! Foiled again!


Dick Dastardly


The ease with which Central Russia is being assimilated by Baltics is certainly suspect as well... Moscow fell on T5? xDnepro and xKarlauka on T11? Hmmmm....


You noticed that too, huh? :woohoo::woohoo:

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Actually, I am Central Russia, Morocco and three other countries. It is my new form of masochism. Not sure that it is worth the money to have my butt kicked so decisively, but it sure is fun to mess up every one else's game. Unfortunately, my sinister plot has been discovered.


Curses! Foiled again!


Dick Dastardly

You may have given Spongebob a new goal to achieve. :woohoo:


How about most positions dropped by a single player in one game??? :woohoo:

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Tom the Red,


Be carecul, i am playing this game since 1991 - and i still intend to be and stay a honest player. Your accuses are unfair and unproven ...


I am playing Italy and i am still working on my survival - others would have left the game long ago, but i usually don't do that before my last chance has gone - as everything else would bring my still fighting TA's into troubles. I prefer staying calm and don't use this forum often... but that's my decision and shouldn't be taken as a possible reason for such accuses.


You also mentioned Yugoslavia - played by my friend REDNAS ... also a long playing member of this community. He decided to drop early, as 5 or more neighbours started to attack him at once - and his chances were on 0 from the very beginning on. Poor little Tom ... Yugoslavia got fully kicked by an other group.


My advice: Think first, before you write such dirt...






Spudman thanks again for the advice. I still don't believe you predicted this one.


Everyone may need to know that France, Great Britian, Spain, Iceland, Ireland, Lowlands, Italy, Yugoslavia, Morocco, Canada, and the USA are all the same group of people. Their wars have been faked since the beginning of this game.


I read about these guys in past games on the forum after I received the advice to do that two weeks ago. This isn't the first time they have done this garbage. Posting propaganda here is one thing but emailing it to me is another.


Diggster, you showed your true colors by CL Calais to Ireland so I couldn't hit France from the rear. Spud believes you are just a pawn nation for France and it seems he is right. I think I will find out now since you have been BSing us since last fall. To each will come rewards suited to their works. I hope you like yours.


Deathwalker, save your breath I see you clearly now. I wrote to other nations early this month and they shared the stuff you were sending them. I thought you were just a blowhard but now I see you are a puppet too. Really nice. At least your fellow puppet Morocco will get ground up sooner. Your turn will come soon enough. What a disappointment Spain. All that effort for nothing.


Tom the Red

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Spudman thanks again for the advice. I still don't believe you predicted this one.


Everyone may need to know that France, Great Britian, Spain, Iceland, Ireland, Lowlands, Italy, Yugoslavia, Morocco, Canada, and the USA are all the same group of people. Their wars have been faked since the beginning of this game.


I read about these guys in past games on the forum after I received the advice to do that two weeks ago. This isn't the first time they have done this garbage. Posting propaganda here is one thing but emailing it to me is another.


Diggster, you showed your true colors by CL Calais to Ireland so I couldn't hit France from the rear. Spud believes you are just a pawn nation for France and it seems he is right. I think I will find out now since you have been BSing us since last fall. To each will come rewards suited to their works. I hope you like yours.


Deathwalker, save your breath I see you clearly now. I wrote to other nations early this month and they shared the stuff you were sending them. I thought you were just a blowhard but now I see you are a puppet too. Really nice. At least your fellow puppet Morocco will get ground up sooner. Your turn will come soon enough. What a disappointment Spain. All that effort for nothing.






Tom the Red
























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Hmmm...tempting as it sounds to compete with my good buddy Spongebobbie... I think that I will never be able to aspire to the lofty and ever ascending heights to which he has already soared.


Bob - you are my hero, but alas you are not my role model. For that I choose.....hmmmm....whom should I choose. I choose the dudes who win the Blue Max.




Actually, I am Central Russia, Morocco and three other countries. It is my new form of masochism. Not sure that it is worth the money to have my butt kicked so decisively, but it sure is fun to mess up every one else's game. Unfortunately, my sinister plot has been discovered.


Curses! Foiled again!


Dick Dastardly

You may have given Spongebob a new goal to achieve. :woohoo:


How about most positions dropped by a single player in one game??? :woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob

As I only ever play one position I will admit to a very close ally who sometime plays along. So even I cannot drop / get defeated more than once per game. The way I look at it is (and I am not in this game so can be impartial) is that if you need more than one position to win a game then its going to cost you a lot of money and the victory will be hollow and taste as bitter as defeat. Im sure thats some kind of DS9 quote, Anyway its virtually impossible to prove someone is a cheater and as such just live with the facts and play with the hand your dealt.


But please note - The monk - My arch enemy - he always plays with 8 positions all controlled by him and this is the only way he can defeat me.



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You really need to go back to your psychiatrist and have him up your meds. I understand you are just fishing for information, but you better hire better informants next time.

Unless I'm not aware of something I don't think being on the same team is cheating. Thank-you though for all jumping in at the same time. It's great to see you all supporting each other on the forum again, just like in the game.


Thanks also Slicer for confirming that you are indeed Morocco. I was told you were but I had not seen anything that proved it to me until now.


Tom the Red


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You also mentioned Yugoslavia - played by my friend REDNAS ... also a long playing member of this community. He decided to drop early, as 5 or more neighbours started to attack him at once - and his chances were on 0 from the very beginning on. Poor little Tom ... Yugoslavia got fully kicked by an other group.


More revisionist history. Yugoslavia's troubles started when he declared war on Rumania and some neighbors jumped in. Also Yugoslavia did not get "kicked by another group". The nations that eliminated Yugoslavia are in 3 different groups, and are continuing to fight each other. Rednas has a habit of starting wars early and complaining when the victims fight back.

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Unless I'm not aware of something I don't think being on the same team is cheating. Thank-you though for all jumping in at the same time. It's great to see you all supporting each other on the forum again, just like in the game.


Thanks also Slicer for confirming that you are indeed Morocco. I was told you were but I had not seen anything that proved it to me until now.


Tom the Red

It's hard to feel the Love this Valentine's weekend. :blink:


Hagar, old boy, it seems you've upset about half the game! :( So, if you're really a 'noob' or not, remember where you are. This is the 'Propaganda' forum; nothing but deceit. :o


Of course these guys team up, they've probably played 5-6 games with each other on both sides. There are grudge matches in RTG as a whole that go back to the 80's, and you may have started one for the future; and it means absolutely NOTHING when the game starts because position is everything. :D


We've been at each others throats in the middle east since turn 3, but in some future game I may need to have these guys on my side; so we're doing it without rancor, but that's the joy of dealing with experienced players. <_<


Show you can play the game, don't listen to anyone unless you really know them, turn OFF the 'send email' in your profile to keep varmits out, and remember there's a 600lb Gorilla watching over us; it's his livelyhood! :woohoo:


Oh, yeah, and remember the name you're mad at in this game may not be the one they use in the next one. Yep, all's fair! :woohoo:



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Unless I'm not aware of something I don't think being on the same team is cheating. Thank-you though for all jumping in at the same time. It's great to see you all supporting each other on the forum again, just like in the game.


Thanks also Slicer for confirming that you are indeed Morocco. I was told you were but I had not seen anything that proved it to me until now.


Tom the Red

It's hard to feel the Love this Valentine's weekend. :blink:


Hagar, old boy, it seems you've upset about half the game! :( So, if you're really a 'noob' or not, remember where you are. This is the 'Propaganda' forum; nothing but deceit. :o


Of course these guys team up, they've probably played 5-6 games with each other on both sides. There are grudge matches in RTG as a whole that go back to the 80's, and you may have started one for the future; and it means absolutely NOTHING when the game starts because position is everything. :D


We've been at each others throats in the middle east since turn 3, but in some future game I may need to have these guys on my side; so we're doing it without rancor, but that's the joy of dealing with experienced players. <_<


Show you can play the game, don't listen to anyone unless you really know them, turn OFF the 'send email' in your profile to keep varmits out, and remember there's a 600lb Gorilla watching over us; it's his livelyhood! :woohoo:


Oh, yeah, and remember the name you're mad at in this game may not be the one they use in the next one. Yep, all's fair! :woohoo:



What a great attitude! Could not of said it better. It is a pleasure to kill you my friend!

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I think Lar's advice is very good. I would add another few pieces of advice for you Tom:


Don't drink Idaho's Koolaid. I speak from the experience of my last game and I can tell you it will give you indigestion. Think for yourself and act on motives that will benefit your own nation or team.


This section of the forum is for propaganda. It will frequently be full of BS which so many posts above are likely rife with. Some of it will be BS from well informed sources and some of it will be pure baloney from sources that are just making it up as they go along. Count on one thing - It will generally be here because it serves the purposes of the poster.


In the cases where it isn't serving the purposes of the poster, it is probably serving the purposes of some other party that is serving the Koolaid.


Don't fall into the name calling and personal digs. It's one thing to post about what you think people are doing. It's another thing to start calling them names, etc. That is the kind of stuff that will create long lasting animosity. One of my most difficult foes later became a trusted friend and it's a good feeling to know you can be friends with your opponents.


I would also like to second what Spaceman posted about Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia first attacked Rumania. The Impaler Army of Rumania proceeded to cut off and destroy Yugoslavia's forces. Yugoslavia's other neighbors then attacked him taking advantage of his defenseless nation. These nations are indeed still fighting over the spoils.


Race Pilsner

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What a great attitude! Could not of said it better. It is a pleasure to kill you my friend!


My thanks to you and Race for the kind words. :woohoo:


But, I can't really say 'the pleasure's all mine' that polite company calls for. <_<


You don't mind if this goes on for awhile longer, do you?? :o I'm not quite done with that #xx&; 7Mech39! :woohoo:



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What a great attitude! Could not of said it better. It is a pleasure to kill you my friend!


My thanks to you and Race for the kind words. :woohoo:


But, I can't really say 'the pleasure's all mine' that polite company calls for. <_<


You don't mind if this goes on for awhile longer, do you?? :o I'm not quite done with that #xx&; 7Mech39! :woohoo:



Hehe, then you will be glad to know that there are not 7 there anymore, but a whole lot more.

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You also mentioned Yugoslavia - played by my friend REDNAS ... also a long playing member of this community. He decided to drop early, as 5 or more neighbours started to attack him at once - and his chances were on 0 from the very beginning on. Poor little Tom ... Yugoslavia got fully kicked by an other group.


More revisionist history. Yugoslavia's troubles started when he declared war on Rumania and some neighbors jumped in. Also Yugoslavia did not get "kicked by another group". The nations that eliminated Yugoslavia are in 3 different groups, and are continuing to fight each other. Rednas has a habit of starting wars early and complaining when the victims fight back.


Hi Spaceball,


Do I know you, does somebody beside himself know him? Well your name is correct, you must be out of space, or is your name referring to your vacant space in your head? Well as Victory IS a WAR GAME, yes I DW on Rumania or Hungary who cares anyway. I did hope that others would DW also this country and possiby keep me alone..that trick didn't work. So I did wining and complaining that everybody is attcking me at the same time, and that I am helpless and that somebbody should feel sorry for me....yes sure. You are so full of knowledge.

I just cannot stand people / players who are bragging that they are so good in defeating a country and forget to mention that they had a little help of others...to be exactly 4.

But that is history, who cares that game was not mine, there will be others, there were others.

Rednas has a habit of strating war and win them. And start wars early...what do you do wait till turn 20? Yeh Spaceball you can become my TA any time, second after Spongebob of course. I can imagine what´kind of help you are giving to you Allies...oh, well this is not the right time, I want to wait a bit, come back and aske me in a trun or 19, turn 4 is MUCH to early for me...Russ, the are doing it again, help me they DW me.

Drop I would recommend and never play Victory again.


Greetings Rednas, Ruler of France VIC79 and soon Spain, Palma, Killkenny, Leicester and all other nice places. No I don't mention my other successes or defeats here. Maybe some of you know me and if not...who cares. Russ, Russ please make me famous....pffffffff.

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