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Cann somebody tell me what the difference is between HAA and LAA air defense for ships?

HAA shoots at the planes way up high, such as level bombers, LAA shoots at the ones that come in low, like Fighters, Dive bombers and torpedo bombers.

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a bad turn for the admiral's group with so many libyan dead...and rumors abound that the saudi's have the jordanians force trapped!? what are the egyptians to do...... :woohoo:

and don't forget the Turkish army that disappeared in the hills of Urmia. :python::woohoo::beer:


This was our Thanksgiving gift to you. But don't expect many more.


Ahhhh, come on, it was such fun! Hey, how about if I vacate xUrmia, you can take it again, and we can do it all over again? Sounds like fun right? :beer:

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Cann somebody tell me what the difference is between HAA and LAA air defense for ships?



Maritime Strikes (attacks by aircraft against ships) can be broken

down into four basic attack profiles:


1) A torpedo attack at sea level altitude,

2) A dive bombing attack at low altitude,

3) A level bombing attack at medium altitude or

4) A strafing attack at sea level altitude.


Light Ship AA is used against air attacks at Sea Level and Low Level.

Heavy Ship AA is used against air attacks at Low Level and Medium Level.

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kudos to the libyan's for fighting on against two countries despite losing 65% of their combat forces in one turn...too often in victory we see entire alliances drop a game because they lose one nation...game 91 comes to mind as poland bombed iraq and syria's forward airbases and next thing you know their entire alliance of 6 or 7 nations just dropped....this is war people you win some battles you lose some battles but don't drop because things get a little tough...that's why I like fighting people like des feeney you can't get that guy to drop no matter what the odds are!

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kudos to the libyan's for fighting on against two countries despite losing 65% of their combat forces in one turn...too often in victory we see entire alliances drop a game because they lose one nation...game 91 comes to mind as poland bombed iraq and syria's forward airbases and next thing you know their entire alliance of 6 or 7 nations just dropped....this is war people you win some battles you lose some battles but don't drop because things get a little tough...that's why I like fighting people like des feeney you can't get that guy to drop no matter what the odds are!


Tell me about it!

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kudos to the libyan's for fighting on against two countries despite losing 65% of their combat forces in one turn...too often in victory we see entire alliances drop a game because they lose one nation...game 91 comes to mind as poland bombed iraq and syria's forward airbases and next thing you know their entire alliance of 6 or 7 nations just dropped....this is war people you win some battles you lose some battles but don't drop because things get a little tough...that's why I like fighting people like des feeney you can't get that guy to drop no matter what the odds are!


Tell me about it!

"Never Give Up, Never Surrender"

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kudos to the libyan's for fighting on against two countries despite losing 65% of their combat forces in one turn...too often in victory we see entire alliances drop a game because they lose one nation...game 91 comes to mind as poland bombed iraq and syria's forward airbases and next thing you know their entire alliance of 6 or 7 nations just dropped....this is war people you win some battles you lose some battles but don't drop because things get a little tough...that's why I like fighting people like des feeney you can't get that guy to drop no matter what the odds are!


Tell me about it!

"Never Give Up, Never Surrender"


Dude, you've been watching 'Galaxy Quest' again, haven't you? Was it because of Sigourney Weaver's hot bod, or Alan Rickman's superior Shakespearean acting?

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So what's the status on who's fighting who? Kinda difficult to stay in tune all across the ocean.


Well, I'm currently battling Germany, France, Italy (rules central France and has reached the French westcoast) and Checho (Alsfeld, heading West).


Lost some (xParis, xNancy, xOffenbach: all currently swarming with partizans that demolished lots of ARM-factories).

But reconquered xAmsterdam and destroyed large parts of the German army in the process. 6.000 ARM points and counting.


Lowlands is small, tough to withstand this kind of pressure. Nice battles though! Curious who'll fill in the current central European vacuum.



Lord of the slinking Lowlands..



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So what's the status on who's fighting who? Kinda difficult to stay in tune all across the ocean.


Well, I'm currently battling Germany, France, Italy (rules central France and has reached the French westcoast) and Checho (Alsfeld, heading West).


Lost some (xParis, xNancy, xOffenbach: all currently swarming with partizans that demolished lots of ARM-factories).

But reconquered xAmsterdam and destroyed large parts of the German army in the process. 6.000 ARM points and counting.


Lowlands is small, tough to withstand this kind of pressure. Nice battles though! Curious who'll fill in the current central European vacuum.



Lord of the slinking Lowlands..




Sounds like a good fight!


FYI: homeland can never have partisans (soit's useless to build ranger batallions if the capturer is the original owner of the city, partisans are set to 0 for all home country areas automatically) and partisans don't destroy factories, just factory output (though YOU may have demolished a lot of ARM-factories of course...).


I must say it's very interesting to see the RWE's of your area! Lowlands captures Offenbach, Germany captures Amsterdam, Lowlands captures Amsterdam, Germany captures Offenbach... nice circlular dance!

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Confusing it is. And why is the Lord of the Lowlands called the Lord of the Libyans?

Ah, same boring story:


Doing a hell of a job as LotL.

Some people get angry.

Angry people get help from the rest of the world.

Rest of the world intervenes.

LotL get arrested and is deported to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Financial crisis kicks in.

Dutch people want strong leader.

Dutch people get experienced dictator that helps them get their land ruined, for a price.

LotL becomes LotL.

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