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There's only so many orders that an invading nation can forget that will cause him to take a hit... you figure it out which. :D

This seems the likely suspect that "made Italy happy":


Your nation has overrun an air base at xRome which included the following planes:

3456 Spitfire VC"


-Forgot to do an OMA, BT apparently~


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There's only so many orders that an invading nation can forget that will cause him to take a hit... you figure it out which. :D

This seems the likely suspect that "made Italy happy":


Your nation has overrun an air base at xRome which included the following planes:

3456 Spitfire VC"


-Forgot to do an OMA, BT apparently~



that are quite a few planes :-)


Nice to see those out of the game :-)

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Or was it forgetting to put a supply depot in Rome?

Whatever the case, my fallen JU-88 pilots have been avenged :laugh:


Indeed they have!


I actually base transferred them over knowing Italy had taken the province back...my plan was to bomb out the division in the province and then take it back from naples....BUT...when the intel came in and I went back to rework some orders I got caught up doing something else and totally forgot I needed to take rome back!


Oh well it was only two groups of fighters I have plenty more where those came from....had I moved my bombers too then I would have been sick! Actually it's more of an inconvenience and set back to have to take rome province and city again than the actual loss of the fighters...


Like I said the war has just begun...


Perhaps the Czech pilots will come give the next generation of fighter pilots some experience!?

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Or was it forgetting to put a supply depot in Rome?

Whatever the case, my fallen JU-88 pilots have been avenged :laugh:


Indeed they have!




Perhaps the Czech pilots will come give the next generation of fighter pilots some experience!?


Perhaps, rabbit, perhaps~


This time they may have a full compliment of heavy fighters though, and start out full health. So it shouldn't be a turkey shoot any more :rolleyes:

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Or was it forgetting to put a supply depot in Rome?

Whatever the case, my fallen JU-88 pilots have been avenged :laugh:


Indeed they have!




Perhaps the Czech pilots will come give the next generation of fighter pilots some experience!?


Perhaps, rabbit, perhaps~


This time they may have a full compliment of heavy fighters though, and start out full health. So it shouldn't be a turkey shoot any more :rolleyes:



LOL, with the german heavy fighters, it will still be a turkey shoot, just a turkey shoot where half the fighters (which get past the escorts due to speed class) shoot at the bombers and the other half shoots at the almost as juicy heavy fighters! :woohoo::cannon:


Of course, that will only be a problem for the fighters until turn 30-odd, after which the ME-110 is absolutely safe as escort due to not being able to stop any CSC-7 fighter from getting to the bombers. <_<

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Your analysis of 110's may be correct, but you are missing several aspects: He just lost a large air fleet of fighters, and lost provinces critical for good fighter cover in central Italy. My potential objective of hurting his ground forces will not likely face the previous experience when my air group with considerable attrition was sent packing by about 50 fighter groups. That is what I referred to as a turkey shoot; turkeys can't fight back. This time I'd get through and do damage.

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Thors, i did understand what you meant. I just put forward that 110's will not solve a problem that you have and also won't solve a problem you don't have (as there's nothing to solve then).


* if he is out of good FC provinces, your 110's won't be of much use to your bombers as your bombers don't need FE, and those airpoints and NTS-slots would be put to better use building more bombers


* once he does get solid FC going again, and that FC is CSC 6 and soon to be CSC 7, your 110's won't be of much to your bombers either as half (for a few turns more) or all (for the rest of the game) of those fighters will totally ignore the 110's and attack the bombers regardless of the presence of those 110's, again making them a waste of airpoints and NTS-slots.


The only real use that HF's of 2 CSC less than enemy fighters have is to gain experience (they can be put on FC themselves, covering a long stretch of provinces that can't be reached by enemy escorts) so you have a nicely experienced force to upgrade to the 262's in turn 58.


The german CSC 5 HF's are simply of no use when CSC 7 enemy fighters are around, which will be very soon.

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The only real use that HF's of 2 CSC less than enemy fighters have is to gain experience (they can be put on FC themselves, covering a long stretch of provinces that can't be reached by enemy escorts) so you have a nicely experienced force to upgrade to the 262's in turn 58.




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I certainly wont argue numbers with a statician!

But while statistical truths may be irrefutable, reality of who has what and where can in some situations render those stats irrelevant.

Resourcefulness, flexibility, good intuition, skill, etc., are great equalizers. Stats aren't everything.


And BTW, even if the 110's are nothing but targets, they still detract from the JU88 losses, do they not? That is an objective of their presence.


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