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New Special Game (No TA's)


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Noticed the post by Russ that he was accepting registrations for a new game which would have no TA capability. Not sure who requested this game but I just sent in my registration. With no TA's everyone will be on a equal footing. You will have to do your own Recon work as you will no longer have a total ally telling you exactly where your enemy attacked. And if you get into trouble your not going to be able to cede provinces to a TA in order to delay an enemies advance. So if you think you are a skilled player then sign up for this special version of Victory and let your nation stand or fall based on your playing ability as opposed to your math skills because this game is going to have a improved Fog of War. Have fun, RIck

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I find the idea of this game intriguing and indeed tempting to participate in and agree with most of what Reece said about the potential dynamics of this game. I fail to see though how a players ability to manage their nation's infrastructure and even their ability to weigh the potential outcomes of battles is any less important and those things all require, at least in part, solid 'math skills.' There will indeed be an significant element of the 'fog of war', but even that could be mitigated to some degree under the 'no TA' rule although it will be tricky to say the least. No matter though. This set up will definitely require increased skills across the board and even more than usual will probably favor those that are more 'adventurous' and aggressive in their playing style. If it starts after the game I'm in ends, I'd love to play in it. I don't have the time to play two or more games at the same time unfortunately.

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No TA's.........that should be a bit of an issue for the island countries. Will they even be playable? Can they mount an invasion without a TA?


Spain/Portugal and UAE/Saudi.........automatic war???


I think I am going to play just to stretch my mind around these conondrums

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Guest Spongebob

Finally a game designed around me, guess what nation I am going to be :) I hate to put a dampener on things and have already flagged this with Russ but there is nothing to stop a 'team' working together to some degree. I guess its going to be fun either way and I for one would not mind playing an Island nation.


So come on sign up for Germany all those who want a sponge bath, errm I mean bash :blush: No hidding from the Sponge this time, total war, every sponge for itself.

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Spartan, Agree that you still need math skills... I was just bashing the aspect of knowing exact enemy details so that you can run the odds in advance. Now you will have to anticipate your enemies moves and estimate his strength from what you know about his forces in the area. I disagree that it favors a more aggressive play style. I would say that the increased Fog of War will make players more conservative. The aggressive play style rises from getting the detailed intel before your move. In the case of a team working together they can fly recon or issue EM missions in support of each other but that is far less precise than the detailed battle reports and sometimes they fail (Weather, failed espionage).


Landmine, I have done numerous amphibious landings without a TA (Iceland to Norway, Canada to Morocco, etc). Now if their is a need to stage units into a friendly country you simply make a DOW and capture the mutually agreed location. I admit the DOW for this event is unrealistic but there are other aspects of this event that are more realistic. With a ceded location the nation knows you can't expand your footprint unless he cedes you another location but in the above scenario he has to trust that you will not expand your footprint. So are you really sure you want to pull that Trojan Horse inside your defenses? Its also a bigger morale hit meaning it will probably only be used where absolutely necessary. I think Team partnerships will still exist when they share common goals and can provide mutual support but we will also see much more swapping of sides as the politics changes because they didn't have common goals.


In case there is any doubt, I'm hoping this is the next game filled as I think it is an overall improvement in game mechanics. Have fun, RIck

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Players can of course still work together. It will just be very hard to warn their allies of what happened to them since their last turn. It will indeed be very awkward for certain nations to work together. I can see situations where nation A and nation B who are working together will go to war so nation B for example can gain access to certain locations that nation A holds in order to be in better position to support and or work together later. This could cause issues with morale though. It will also require a decent amount of trust as Reece mentioned.


Spongebob - I fail to see what needs to be 'flagged' with Russ. This setup is not meant to keep players from working together. It is meant to seriously change the dynamic by which and the degree to which they do I think.


Reece - I saw your point and agree with it on the 'math skills' issue. As for my assertion that this type of setup will very likely favor more aggressive and daring players, I still stand by this and I think your response bolsters my claim. The very fact that the fog of war will make many players more conservative means that they will be more unwilling to seize opportunities that present themselves for fear of what they imagine might go wrong because of what is not fully known about their enemies position. I can only imagine that it is a common perception among players that they perceive that their adversaries are in a stronger position than they really are and they thus hold up on taking chances or acting without complete info. That being said, aggressive/daring play can of course bite you in the ass if you gamble wrong, which is what such behavior requires. Taking a gamble, calculated or otherwise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


This no-TA variant is definitely drawing some interest. We are already about a third of the way to the start point right now so if you are interesting in getting into this one get a registration in if you haven't already done so. A special variant game like this is always a good time to recruit old alliance mates and friends that may not be currently playing ( :huh: ) - it is a chance to try something a little different and the more recruits the better :thumbsup:


Good gaming!



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I swore I would not play another Victory! game until the needed improvements were made in the rumored Vic2. However, this variant is truly intriguing and I want in. Would there be any support to making this a random setup? I like to be suprised and will take any country given to me. On turn 1 I can pick the nationality of my troops.


This further adds to the fog of war and makes it even harder for pre-arrranged teams to try and form dominant power blocks. Any dominant block that gets formed before the start of play largely defeats the purpose of a No TA game.


In any event I am in.

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I have never thought the setup process was that vulnerable to predetermined teams but I understand the desire to shuffle the players. I also understand people wanting to rank the nations that they would prefer to play. Personally I don't like having to deal with lots of MCR orders so I tend to put the large nations at the bottom of my list. As a compromise what if the people taking random setups got placed first at random. Then the remaining locations would be distributed to the people with ranked lists.

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I have never thought the setup process was that vulnerable to predetermined teams but I understand the desire to shuffle the players. I also understand people wanting to rank the nations that they would prefer to play. Personally I don't like having to deal with lots of MCR orders so I tend to put the large nations at the bottom of my list. As a compromise what if the people taking random setups got placed first at random. Then the remaining locations would be distributed to the people with ranked lists.



Very Cool idea.......but like all things it depends on the patience and enthusiasm of a 600# gorilla.to make it happen.

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