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Oh no..........we have got a second Spongiebaby in our VIC79 game, how nice, starting to write the same bull. I am Abel brother from Cain....what is this all about. It was so quit lately and now I am forced to write again.....and that is also something nobody is waiting for / on. Maybe this is one of my latest mails.....I will do some complaining as some others do now.....so many are attacking me and do you know what the cruel thing about it is, they do it ALL AT ONCE AT THE SAME TIME and TOGETHER ALSO and it looks like they are talking to each other and are working together all against me, me such a nice country, and why??? I ask all of you why am I being attacked IN A WAR GAME for crying out loud, what do you, I, expect. So enough for now.


Some other very urgent and important question: has the Spongiebaby figured out which country I am ruling (still). I am Rednas or Redass, Rednose, Redlight, Readyforeverything whatever, I have heard it all, who cares anyway, The Ruler of jnkchjlwuizh wkl.


Is there some other interesting news to be displayed about VIC79 on the Forum??? Some new invasions, some fighting, attacking, defending, given upping, quitting, don't know what to doing etc.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jknzuhplöäöpqo.


Well I have risen to avenge my brother being cast out from Paradise
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I will say, this game does not lack for diplomacy. Virtually every country on the continent has contacted me looking for an ally in their wars. Great Britains long time policy of not taking part in continental wars is being severly tested.


Hello Marklen X,


Really, that is interesting. Some contact from the Spongiebaby yet or is he out of the game (at last). Herewith I am making contact to you also, is this diplomacy?

But be carefull what to write and what not on the forum.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jknhiuztööaä

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Guest Spongebob

Redass you make less sense every time you open your mouth. I have been quiet as game 80 has been taking up a lot of my diplomatic / forum time. But let me address your meanderings.


I’m convinced Redass your this Cain fella, you both moan about how the world is against you, that everyone is at war with you and that your mothers locked you under the stairs for not eating your vegetables.


Talking of Vegetables, how are you Marklen X :robot: Still holed up on that pathetic little island. I never could understand what was Great about Britain. If everyone is begging you for help how come you’re still sat in your ivory tower?


The best you can do is declare war on Norway, not exactly in Europe is it. Tell you what let me know and I will draw you a map, show you where Europe is.


Come on the rest of the world we all know Abel is Cain is Redass, he is just trying to divert attention away from the fact his life in this game is over.


Hamish and Sexy, it takes a made up name to get you posting again, the last time you two posted was when dinosaurs roamed Europe; and that’s what you two are, dinosaurs. :pirate2: Old relics not worthy of being in my presence.


Ok that just about raps up my rant for this week, tune in next time when I will tell you about the German Chancellor, his mistress and the horse :cheers: the Italian prime minister and the blanks :laugh: The story of the Arabs who invaded Europe only to find they got lost and ended up in Peru and finally the story of the American President who told the truth, if you can believe that. :thumbsup:

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I will say, this game does not lack for diplomacy. Virtually every country on the continent has contacted me looking for an ally in their wars. Great Britains long time policy of not taking part in continental wars is being severly tested.


Hello Marklen X,


Really, that is interesting. Some contact from the Spongiebaby yet or is he out of the game (at last). Herewith I am making contact to you also, is this diplomacy?

But be carefull what to write and what not on the forum.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jknhiuztööaä



I have had no contact with whats his name. I am not worried about what I write here. I have no real secrets in this game. I am Great Britain. Every knows who my allies go. When I am against somebody, they know that, when I work with somebody, they know that. When I am talking to people about my options, they know that too.

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Redass you make less sense every time you open your mouth. I have been quiet as game 80 has been taking up a lot of my diplomatic / forum time. But let me address your meanderings.


I’m convinced Redass your this Cain fella, you both moan about how the world is against you, that everyone is at war with you and that your mothers locked you under the stairs for not eating your vegetables.


Talking of Vegetables, how are you Marklen X :nuke: Still holed up on that pathetic little island. I never could understand what was Great about Britain. If everyone is begging you for help how come you’re still sat in your ivory tower?


The best you can do is declare war on Norway, not exactly in Europe is it. Tell you what let me know and I will draw you a map, show you where Europe is.


Come on the rest of the world we all know Abel is Cain is Redass, he is just trying to divert attention away from the fact his life in this game is over.


Hamish and Sexy, it takes a made up name to get you posting again, the last time you two posted was when dinosaurs roamed Europe; and that’s what you two are, dinosaurs. :nuke: Old relics not worthy of being in my presence.


Ok that just about raps up my rant for this week, tune in next time when I will tell you about the German Chancellor, his mistress and the horse :nuke: the Italian prime minister and the blanks :beer: The story of the Arabs who invaded Europe only to find they got lost and ended up in Peru and finally the story of the American President who told the truth, if you can believe that. :nuke:


Well Spongiebaby,


You are so smart, you have learned a lot since the time somebody has to explain you that my name is spelled backwards...........really a clever piece of sponge you are, respect....did all by yourself this investigation that I am Cain, Abel, Rednas in one person. Well somebody who is so schizophrenic has a big advantage off course.

As always you don't read careful enough: I wrote complaining as so many others do.....for instance.....you???

Yeh, maybe I'm loosing a battle but still have my country. Maybe it is Denmark and I show you how you can play this country successfully, something you don't have any experience with.

Yes you are so right again, we are the losers and you are the best......in hiding. You have sucked up too much salt water in your brains I assume.

So change your underpants, it is starting to smell fishy again...or is it your breath.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jcmit.y<paoriop s,m

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Guest Spongebob

Ah Redfarce you obviously have a problem, you need to air your problem on the Ask Bob page. Dont clutter up this forum with your wild rants and raves. :beer::nuke::nuke:

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Guest Spongebob

PS - I have noticed a number of people have various "Interests" relating to my good self Spongebob. Now I am convinced these people have entered into some form of hero worship towards me. These people make out they dont like me but deep down they love me. I am one luck loved sponge.... Awwww :beer:

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PS - I have noticed a number of people have various "Interests" relating to my good self Spongebob. Now I am convinced these people have entered into some form of hero worship towards me. These people make out they dont like me but deep down they love me. I am one luck loved sponge.... Awwww :wub:


Hello Spongiebooby,


Still there, not drowned. Well first of all I want to inform you about your writing error, you wrote: I am one luck loved sponge this must be off course: I am one ?uck loved sponge.


Well as I wrote for a shizofrenic.....eh....creature, as you are you have your Hall of Blame. Good idea, keep your comments on your own site and keep it from these pages, very good.

Maybe Russ can make a separate Spongiebooby game for all your Bikini Ass (=bottom, as you know) friends and make a sight seeing tour to all these sunken Danisch ships.


?= the letter between e and g in the alphabet or between d and g on your keyboard or in your case ask somebody else what this must be.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of jkjcmwkwom iw

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