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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Only testing Monk - OK listen up Mr X - Be my ally or die as the monk says, there is no other way for you to go, the only way to ensure your survival is to offer an alliance to all those you are not alled to. I will then accept and you will live a long life.

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No you dont understand you must offer me the Alliance. You are now my servant and must do all i ask.

Oeps I have to be true that I am lying again. Just wants to mention that the yibberyabber is going on and on and on. And regarding the earlier mentioned "Skirts Affair" it is clear that it is the Spongie because he is also thinking that he is in command and that others that will do what he expects that will happen........just like any coomon girl...and girls happen to wear skirts (no ofefn to the Scottisch men). So for me it is clear. Life could be so simple and somethings you get proof of it...............shi......I'm almost doing the same, starting to yibberyabber (is this corerctly written, Sponge help me on this you seeme to be the expert).


Greetings Rednas or Redas or Rednose or Redlight or.......whatever. Ruler of mjhfjcnwzri,kü$Ü

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Redass if I could understand your pigeon I would make a suitable contribution but you make less sence than me and as such I find myself wanting you dead. :D Errrm I think these thoughts.


Anyway I am quite surprised that no-one has had the nerve to name your nation. Are they all afraid of you or are they all a thick as you. A question only answered in time.


Hamish - congratulations on becoming the 3rd nation on my hit list.


So We Now Have


Great Britain

?????? Redass



Who is next on the Team Sponge Hitlist? :D

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I am so kicking myself over my alliance with Germany, it is going to take way too much effort to DW and all the good pieces will be in the hands of Lowlands, Czechoslovakia and Austria before it happens I'm sure. It would be like showing up a couple hours late to a party and finding out all thats left to drink is Bud light...


Well at least it looks like he is putting up a fight... maybe something will be left... hummm.


Tottles from Poland,



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Redass if I could understand your pigeon I would make a suitable contribution but you make less sence than me and as such I find myself wanting you dead. :D Errrm I think these thoughts.


Anyway I am quite surprised that no-one has had the nerve to name your nation. Are they all afraid of you or are they all a thick as you. A question only answered in time.


Hamish - congratulations on becoming the 3rd nation on my hit list.


So We Now Have


Great Britain

?????? Redass



Who is next on the Team Sponge Hitlist? :D


Hmmmmm you forgot me :blink: , this is not nice :( .

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

You have already begged for an alliance and I graciously accepted :D Monkfish


As for Germany and all those ganging up on him. Oh how I wish it was me, to have so many wanting to see me dead.... hey hold on a moment.... It is me, EVERYONE wants me dead but I shall fight on.


Poland, listen up, if you want action head off to Great Britain its going to be a blast

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