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Our obervation forces report interesting movements in the MED... :)


Well, I hope you remember to wipe!


No need, it seems the modern versions wipe, or get wiped, themselves... ;)

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Guest Spongebob

It is regretable to inform the masses that German jack boots are on Danish soil - Again. Better re-do that map - Vejle and Arhus are lost, Hamburg is lost, I will join you Mr X and battend down the hatches and place the remaining Danish forces in Moth Balls also - let us also wait for T73


You can finally change that icelandic colour to light green, He is TAed to GB and has taken xFaeroe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, can't blame Des, Mark. Obviously the remaining Italian divisions are much more of a threat against the combined Swiss/Austrian/Hungarian armies than then Danes are to him or the Iberians are to France! :D


Yay to the heroes of the 41st army!!! :python:

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Guest Spongebob

Errrrm I would like it to be know I am fighting with everything I have left, maybe the PreTeenDater could help out the Sponge instead of wishing Micky was playing Denmark before offering help :angry2:

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Errrrm I would like it to be know I am fighting with everything I have left, maybe the PreTeenDater could help out the Sponge instead of wishing Micky was playing Denmark before offering help :angry2:


I repeat, you are an embarrasment to Scotsmen everywhere. You got a surprise attack, and took a major city before he could react. And yet after just a few turns, you are losing a huge chunk of your home country, and he is so confident he does not even use his air force against you. You are fighting one on one man, for Gods sake, fight. There is no excuse to get overrun in a fair fight that easily.

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