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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Untill ten turns ago my north-eastern flank was just two Motor 44 (which can be railed easily) and lots of air regiments, supported by 1 bomber and 1 figher group.

Your paradrops had me worried, however. You were a bit unlucky in your choice of targets. But then again, maybe you will drop a division on xTehran last turn.


We did expect a last ditch Finnish counter offensive to retake Moscow, but that didnt materialise and I expect the Finns to be very well dug-in at their border with Northern Russia. All the heavy armies that took out the larger cities in the east there were diverted from the main front near Moscow when that counter-offensive didn't materialise. This in effect making the Ural mountains the main target for the Persian armies.


We did not know what opposition we could expect, so the 18 heavy divisions on xYoshkarola are probably a bit of overkill.

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- Transjordan would very much like to take far more territory in Morocco and Algeria, but he is running out of divisions. As Tunisia and Algeria are running out of divisoons as well as running out of an airforce, the Syrians and Transjornanese air forces are running out of targets and a strange quiet emerges.


Oi, turn 75 would have seen brand new, shiny dinky toys at the front. But due to the front is moving to the east too fast they'll never get to see action.

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Your paradrops had me worried, however. You were a bit unlucky in your choice of targets. But then again, maybe you will drop a division on xTehran last turn.


Nah ~ not xTehran, Jerusalem will be the target. Have to take all that beer! :beer:


Hmmm, time to build some troops there.... Beer is mine! We could trade? Also have tomato's, red and tasteful!

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Night of 9-10 Mar, Operation Meetinghouse: 279 B-29 bombers dropped incendiary bombs and destroyed 267,000 buildings and homes or 41 square kilometers of Tokyo. Americans estimated 88,000 killed, 41,000 injured, and 1,000,000 displaced. Tokyo Fire Department estimated 97,000 killed and 125,000 wounded. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department estimated 124,711 casualties and 286,358 destroyed buildings and homes.


As Vic does not have an option to carpet bomb, one could say that a single nucleair bomber has a SB value of 7000.


So, the effect of -say- 7 groups of B-29's Now lets look to the cost of one Bomb:

The Manhattan Project did cost 2 billion US dollars in 1945 currency. Let's be fair and divide that cost over the three bombs the Americans had at the end of the war (and used: Trinity, xHiroshima and xNagasaki), that's 667 million in contemporary $ for each.


An Iowa class battleship did cost 100 million contemporary $,represented by 1250 in-game $, so tha'ts about $ 8500.

So that's a unit that you can build in turn 75, has an SB of 8500 and cost $8500 and 60 Air points (for a flight of 3 planes) a piece. One use only.


BTW, I would think that the addition of a kind of carpet bombing would be a good addition to Victory II.

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BTW, I would think that the addition of a kind of carpet bombing would be a good addition to Victory II.


Carpet bombing was mostly for morale effects. Pop got scared. That effect has been used in Vic already, and was removed due it having a too great effect.


Or would you like to introduce carpet bombing that reduces pop in a city? The more pop a city has, the more you can destroy. So ADL provinces would be safe (pop less than 10) and IMDL 10 cities with 99 pop could get hit pretty hard (but still, 100.000 dead in a city of millions, even back then I think, isn't much).


For example: effectiveness of bombing is SB * (-10% + pop/100%). so dam for 99 pop city is 89% of SB effect, and for pop 10 city is 0%. Effect is of course connected with SB value of the force, and with a 99 pop city could destroy at most 5% of the city (5 pop) per run.

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The next tech period ends on Monday, September 3, 2012.


It's fitting that this game would end on an American holiday named Labor Day. This game has certainly been work at times, and hard work at that: To all my allies, thanks for the support! To my enemies, thanks for an excellent game, one of the most interesting I have been a part of in all the games that I have played. Only a few days left to this game...I am sure there are lots of players holding their final turn until the very last day in an effort to get the 'last shot' in on this game.



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What is most impressive to me is the number of players still actively processing turns. By my count, it is 21. I have to believe that is one of the highest numbers ever at the end of a game.




Wish I could of been there for the end. Was a very fun game while I played, but the massive numbers arrayed against me just made it impossible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:



This is after my own turn 73 which ran on the last day, so there might still be changes. I'll post the detailed map and a link to the Persian turn results after the Iraqi turn comes in.


- The Algerian air force goes out in stile. No respite to us infidels. If we please get out of North Africa and give back xNizwa......

- Surprise attacks on xParis, xBoston and xSydney

- Scandinavian actions to retake xMoscow and xYoshkarola were stopped cold and eliminated.

- At least four "spoiling" attacks were made in the last turn alone to prevent 100% retention of home territory. They seen to have been succesfull against Finland, Baltic States,


For those who want to keep score: (based on the turn 73 results of Persia)

Naval Losses: 1171

Aircraft Destroyed 56796

Ground casualties 75956

Av nat morale 664

Av Revenue 12270


Now back to the real world of political propaganda. I will have to man a stand in the town center this afternoon as the national election of 9-12 is just around the corner.

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